Request for info on painting car



FRIGGA, i gave you the hook up in an earlier post. my hood is dented uup too, and lal said its repairable (if he can’t fix it, nobody can, trust me).


Frigga, Paul posted the info earlier in this thread. I have a sneaking suspicion that if he can’t fix it, no one will.

Paul also posted 4 times in a row, with the same message. Thats gangster.

:afro: thanks for the info dred… ill call Lal as soon as i can…

I think lal pays him per post lol.

What’s Lal’s shop called? Where is he located?

I’m interested because I’m looking at places to apprentice at. A couple places that I’ve checked out have already said they’d have openings for an apprentice in January/February, but if this guy does really good work and comes reccomended I think I’d like to look into maybe apprenticing there.

Be an apprentice at 427 Auto Collision or HumberView motors. I see kids there all the time.

Yeah but do they do good work? I’d rather go to some no-name garage that puts out amazing work than a high-traffic garage that just does average quality jobs. I’m a perfectionist.

heres the pic of the damage…

better angle of the hood…

hey guys, i must have fat fingered the freakin button on my earlier post, sorry.

Lal’s auto body, markham road and steeles, his shop is small right now, but he is expanding shortly, but i highly doubt he needs help at the moment, but

at my work they opened up a 4 million $ body shop, i’ll post the fax # for them tomorrow when i am at work. They are expensive, but do really high quality work (if i had the coin, i’d take it to them, but lal does a good job and charges an honest price).

i used to work at humberview (not the body shop though). they bring in alot of $$$, can’t really attest to their work , but its stupidly expensive, and they don’t have nearly the space or equipment of my current work’s body shop, AIM (Alex Irvine Motors).

oh, and frigga, that “Body damage” is nothing, you should see the mess i’ve made! thats childs play for lal (tell him i sent you btw, i told him i refered a couple guys and he should give you a better price).

hey, did any of you guys go visit him on the weekend? he said he had a black s13 in the shop

every time i look at the crack now… its getting bigger and bigger… i think it might be that the frame has a little bend… not enough to make it pull… but enough to open the crack more and more…
what do you guys think? could it be that?

kinda hard to diagnose a car by only a picture, you’d have to take off the fender to see if there is damage to the frame. dude, what are you waiting for, lal will tell you on the spot the damage and how much (and so will any other decent body shop).

anyway, here is the info for the new body shop at my work

Aim auto Collision
20 Continental place (Warden and Ellesmere)
p- 416-751-1102 FAX - 416-321-5343

17000 SQ. FT.

paintless dent repairs

2 blowtherm Ultra 2000 paint booths

good luck shift!

not sure what i was thinking when i replied earlier, but if you want a free estimate on damage, you can come see me at my work, we have an on site estimator that will prepare an estimate for you within an hour (for aim auto body). it will be expensive, i warn you, but it will be a good quality job. call me first if you do deciede to drop in

Alex Irvine Motors (GM dealer)
Midland and Lawrence

drive into the service drive thorugh, and ask for Paul M. (service advisor)
direct line # - 416-751-4400 ext. 334