i own that truck now!! its getten painted
:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
I vote for a pro tree…at the first test n tune
Could be alot of fun…maybe some V6 guys will come play too!
hahah soo ur saying im poor and live in the projects??? wtf, its just a race…if u think u can win, then why isnt 500 worth ur time? i have better things to spend money on too…
soo now u wont race, b/c its not enough money? ur a fucking :tool:
will your ride be good to go by then?? if you want to wait until then that is fine…but it is only fair to let you know we are getting the procharger supercharger put in it in march by asap on rt8. we can still run…just letting you know. i will run you right now if you want. but i am not going to hold off the supercharger install because you are not ready to run. if it doesnt matter either way to you then cool. i didnt want to be unfair…i know you are saying as the car is now you believe you can win…
wow were you an extra for the biggest and best street racing movie ever? I mean smoking vin diesels pole must have been hard work. get the fuck outta here with your gay ass camaro and the bling bling show car wigger mentality shit, ricer.
Ofcourse he isn’t going to race, he put the lambo doors on and is now cant get into the car. Time to take it to the crusher I guess :dunno:
If your going to ask about putting lambo doors on your Camaro then Pittspeed.com just isnt the place for you.
no i am not saying that at all…you might be super rich…i dont know or care…i am just saying that is not a lot of money to race for. up the stakes a little and it will be funner. if that is all you can spend then i understand. i will race you for $500. i would rather have a chance at 500 then none. just wish it was more. it would bring more energy and excitment and hype to the race.
i dont have my car right now!!! its in the body shop, b/c of dickheads that like to use my car to stop instead of there breaks!
we can run when it comes back from body shop, when we get nice weather
i dont think i undersatnd…could you explain??? i just want to get your message right.
Can I get some temporary ban powers for 5 minutes please?
500 is fine for me, shit 0 money or 234859384 bucks, ill race, i dont care, its all for the fun of racing…yes all i can afford right now is 500 bucks…
sorry to hear about that. really it is a shame to see any ride get f**** up. allright let me know when you get it back and we will do this. BTW I can get us a run up at keystone anytime. even before they open this year. i just need three days to set it up.
:booty: :booty:
keystone!!! and yes it totally sucked, on the way to the pittspeed christmas meet when it happened
the fun of racing is what it is all about.
I’ll race u in my shytbox civic after u get the charger on! sounds like a good time! will you air it?
everyone chill…as for the lambo doors, ehh it is overdun x1000 it seems like every “show car” has it done, i wouldent recomend it!
tell me who?
sorry to hear that