results from nyirp 10/18/2008

today was a good day sorta, I managed to screw up the tranny i just installed but thats ok, i have all winter to worry about it. but i got 3runs in today and after the 2nd tranny was making noises so i said fuck it and ran it a 3rd time outta frusteration.

here is the run. the race is in the beginning and the rest is me acting like little boy on christmas morning after i get my timeslip.

the results are here with me being in the right lane.

so all in all today was a good day.:smiley:

fuck ya:tup:

God that BMW hauls ass!

dang… very nice. 600cc bike killer.


about time. Congrats man


Update you sig :tup:

Wow… nice run.

That’s pretty damned impressive, nice work on your build man. :tup:

Best part of the video " laughs SIQQQQQ!"


LOL good shit man wish i was there to watch ya. O well hopefully i have the same luck tomorrow.



:tup: really picks up on the top end.

good thing you brought your beard! never would have happened with out it

i’d feel like shit if i was in that set up car next to you and a stock appearing bmw almost blew my doors off lol.

Almost blew his doors off eh? The other car was a half a second faster and is on the doorstep of 9’s with a little more power. I don’t know if that would make me feel like shit …

lol, after that race the guy told me he expected me to be 1/2 mile behind him, not on his bumper. then he told me i have a crazy mph and a sleeper. A few other guys came over shocked that my car was runnin 10’s and couldnt believe it was stock motor. oh and yes, i wasnt even close to blowing the doors off him. maybe if it was a 1/2mile track. i tried to catch him but he had a good 3-4cars on me.

damn thats fast…stock motor meaning internals? what else?