retail blows

yea your supposed to get an hour break if you work more than 7 hours if i’m not mistaken. so i’m sure there was nothing legal about my 14 hr shift on black friday and the day after xmas, when i got a 1/2 hr break and that was it

im pretty sure you get a 30 minute break for working 6hrs. if you work 8hrs you get a 30 minute break with two 15 minute breaks. i think thats how it is

eh well either way my 1/2 hr those days wasn’t enough :stuck_out_tongue: haha

I am only going to say two words JNB…NORTH CAROLINA

sorry to hear you got dicked over. and small companies can screw you over just as bad if not worse than large ones.

Time for a new job man. You’re intellegent, have a degree and dont need to put up with that anymore.

sucks to hear jay, especially if u were goin out of ur way…

that’s what I had, working at target some 4 years ago.

seriously man, get out, find a better job more suited to yahr smartz, leave that shit behind. if you can install there’s other stuff out there.

small, local owned bussiness >>>> corporate america

Just an FYI.

Bonuses are typically taxed at a higher bracket not because they have to (they are income just like everything else) but rather because accounting software gets confused by them.

What happens is that it typically calculates your withohldings every month based on your pay and what it then calculates you’ll make for the entire year based off that one check. When you get a bonus, your check suddenly becomes a fatty and all of a sudden for that one period you get slammed into a much higher bracket.

Fortunately you’ll get most of that back come tax time, unfortunately, that’s over a year away.

You can do something about it though, the period before your bonus hits, refile your W4s with several extra exemptions, then switch it back after the bonus. This should help you get a more accurate tax taken out of your bonus. It shouldn’t be anywhere near %62

atleast you get a bonus…

Yeah seriously you used to work for Moog, get you resume out there and quit that shit.

i know the feeling i work 12 ohur days this week to only get told to not come in blah blah because ill get overtime. i hate this place. i have 3000 dollars in sales this week oh yea i only get 3percent so iam making 7 dollars a hour. i made more at tops. i just stick with it because i get health benifits and my tax check will be in next week.

mmm…yea…circuit…10 hours a week getting paid biweekly does not cut it…I need a second job now…