
seeing the best for less prompted me to post this.

what are your plans?
i know i am not the only one that is thinking “gee i should have started saving when i was 18.”

i have been doing a lot of research on retiring out of the country. it seems to be the best way to go. you can rent a 3 bdr 2 bath place in just about any resort city for 300-400 a month, and a full time maid is only 200.
estimated cost of living is 1000-1700 (depending on were you live) per month.
i am sure that will go up with in flation, but after some math, i figured it out that i can retire 10 years earlier… and still live very comfortably until i am 90.

i cant wait to get old and not have to work.

maybe when i get down there i will open a dive shop to keep me busy. or i could just look at hot girls on the beach all day.

I started my retirement plans when I was 20… 15% of my check goes into investment automatically. 5% to a moderate risk 401K, 10% to a roth IRA.

basically if I continue at this rate, even at a relatively low salary (30-40K) just from starting so early i’ll be set by the time im 55.

yea the stock market could crush me at some point, but in the long run since we’re talking about over 30 years here i don’t see how its going to happen.

that and it’s pre-tax of course

werd, i have 25% of what i make gets invested. my gf bitches that i never have money… she just doesnt get it. thats becasue shes a girl.

Alot of people never give a thought to retirement, until they are 30 or 40 and then in a very bad place.

I’ve a 401K that I dump 10% pre-tax & 5% aftertax into.

I have 3 cupholders in my essuvee that collect change like a black hole… these get emptied weekly and put into the bank.

I’ve started planting the bug in the fiance’s ear a few months ago. She’s never given it a thought.

If I can $12-15k of income (not adj. for inflation) during my ‘golden’ years to cover diapers & drugs, I’ll be happy. Of course, I’ll be glad to be dead by 70-75. My family doesnt age well, neither does hers.

My investments are rather aggressive and will remain so for at least the next two years, pending a windfall event. 14% returns so far this year. :tup:


i’m a girl. i spend all of my money… but when i get out of the car game i wanna start trading commodities.

haha yea, its so true, i don’t have everything i want now, but when im sitting on my ass doing nothing from 55-90 or whenever I die, it sure as hell will be paying off :tup:

my girlfriend bitches about “i hate how all my money goes into my stupid 401K” on her checks, she actually is doing a real good job of investing her money but doesn’t realize it i don’t think :stuck_out_tongue:

another guy and i have been looking into that recently. there seems to be a lot of money there that im not making

thats the biggest thing people miss. the difference between starting at 20, and starting at 30 is sooooo fucking big.

Take two people, both investing at 10% average return.

someone that is 25… invests 2K per year until they are 35, total investment of 20K and keeps that money invested without adding to it vs. Someone that starts at 35, invests 2K per year until they are 65.

guess how much money each person has when they are 65.

the investor investing 20K between 25-35 years old ends up with almost 675K in their fund at 65.

the investor that invested 60K between 35 and 65 years old ends up with only about 400K at 65.

once i realized that, i started investing my money. maybe this will help someone else motivate themselves to invest :stuck_out_tongue:

let me know if you wanna look into this together.

werd, once we get some more reading and research done, i will let you know.

my raise usually gets added to the 403B annually… but I’m broke now, so there is no way I could afford 25%

I do 10% and get a company match of 5%… Done it for the past 5 yrs and sure has not amounted to anything crazy. Makes me think a 401K alone aint gonna be enough to retire on since SS will probably be used up by then.

I’ve been saving since I was 18… unfortunately thats when I could afford to save more and I didn’t/

I don’t plan to retire. There’s always something that I will be doing. Retirement is a waste of time. It’s like waiting to die. I don’t want to wait around to die.

This doesn’t mean I’m not going to save my money up so that I can work less/travel more at that age, but I plan to always have some sort of employment, whether that be at a university or otherwise.

I’d love to retire out of the airforce… and go on flying commercially… govt retirement + fat paycheck from other job = $$$… $$$ = the car i want my old ass to be driving around in…

sucks, since we don’t really sell anything yet (start up company) they don’t match, if they did i’d be sooo hooked up.

company matching is where its at

I get matched up to 5% at work… not bad

Im saving…but I have some bad feelings about the future of this country in general…things arent goin too well. Hopefully it’s just your average recession and nothing big.


I picked an ROTH IRA, because it’s post tax, and you don’t get fucked with tax later.

Actually. I’m gonna start a thread about this.

right now i have 10% pretax with a 25% match,
8% post tax into a Roth IRA, and then
8% post tax going into various other investments.

once i pay down some more credit card debt i will be able to put more in to the last 2.

who is your IRA through?