
almost every magazine had the SS faster than the Evo X for lap times. Laguna Seca and VIR the SS was faster than the Evo. if you dont like the car, then thats fine. it is what it is. i realize the ‘cobalt’ name doesnt carry much luster but thats not why i buy a car. its performs great at a low cost. plus its detuned in stock form. now that the gm stage 1 is available, you are getting more hp and a better/more agressive power curve and still maintain your 100k power train warranty. works for me.

haha… bics is such a faggot! i’m sorry that ‘cobalts aren’t a joke’ ROFL! it’s hilarious how defensive you get over your boy’s car… :greddy:

I guess i’m a yuppie wannabe because i drive nicer cars than your garbage GTP?? sucks for me i guess LOL

as always smokey… no hate, just funny to me :smiley:

All I was doing was stating that the c-balt SS can run some repsectable times. I really don’t like them, but yes my boy has one and I have to hear about how it rips on race tracks…so I read up on them and was impressed by what I read about the performance and actually surprised.

That is the typical thing I would expect some smug asshole to say. Get over yourself you are a douchebag that drives a chick car. FYI I easily can have any of your cars in my driveway, I just have no desire to. A little update, no more GTP I have a G8 now…but I guess a 135 wannabe yuppie car is so much better…fuckin douchebag

I’m sure the last part of your statement was not directed towards me. I am far from an arrogant yuppie wannabe. However you are arguing the fact that a POS FWD Cavalier/Cobalt is far superior that other vehicles. It is still a low rent FWD car that nobody really cares about. A Cobalt is usually the last vehicle people think about when performance is in question.

As I stated above, I know full well what it is capable of, but I still don’t give a shit. Being #22 on a list does not make it a #1.

ppl think performance and civics…so what is any different then thinking cobalt and performance?

the car game is like gran turismo. you start off playing with shit boxes then later step up as you can afford other platforms…some stick with shitboxes others upgrade its all in what ppl want to waste money on

so basically because it has the Cobalt name you dont care about it. even tho it shares very little with a base cobalt…just like an Evo is alot different than a base Lancer and a Sti over an Impreza etc…same difference. it is what it is. its still a good track car at a good price. thats great that you dont care about it, but you are 1 dude, thats why there are other cars to choose from. so go drive / read about them and dont waste your time worrying about ones that you dont care about then.

how am i smug if you’re the dude that can ‘have any of your cars in my driveway’??? talk about petty!!!

and i was talking about my s4… it, as well, is far superior than any g8 anything. :tool:

You really have something against honda don’t you? :greddy2: Criminal ain’t it.

no i actually own a honda. ppl knock GM and ppl knock gm eco cars but they are the same crowd that own civics and GTIs. all cars mentioned are shit boxes just with different wrappers on them.

least out of the shitboxes the cobalt platform has performance models that do well

george… come on bro.

first of all, you haven’t been around for a minute and i sold my GTI about 3 years ago… beyond that, i’m not the one touting off incorrect information about how superior some ‘eco cars’ are… it’s just funny to see people get so hurt over others not liking their cars… dicks and smokey clearly don’t like the cars i choose to drive, but given their shitty taste, that’s pretty much expected…

it’s stupid as fuck to argue about this shit on the internetzzz…

and it’s just funny to see the fan boys rally around each other and high five over cobalts… LOL…

Your smug b/c you have multiple posts on here commenting how people drive shitty cars that are not as nice as yours…so they cannot say anything at all b/c they cannot “roll” like you do. I just was stating that if I wanted I could have what is in your driveway…nothing about how I am better than you or anyone. I am about as far as smug as someone can get. I hate smug people, that is why you seem to entertain me a lot on this site. Look how you comment on my G8…cannot even just say G8…you go with the “G8 anything”…you call the cobalt ss a cavalier. At the end of the day you are who you are, you like to put yourself on a pedestal and think you are some kind of yuppie. I do not expect you to change or even to admit to it, but when I see you talking like an ass I will call your bitch ass out….get over yourself pussy

As for the whole cobalt thing, all I was trying to do it state that the thing can perform very well on a race track so people have lots to talk about…then you had to pull you smug shit. Yes it is cheaply made, yes there are better made cars out there. The cool thing about the car is you can buy a new one for $20K, take it to a race track, and put down some very respectable #’s.

you right i havent posted in 3 yrs till this past fall. but i have seen you transform into a wannabe yuppie. you went from having nothing to this typical smug of a person you present yourself as on here. in person i cant speak on but on here you think yoru shit doesnt stink. as for your cars or trucks you drive that is what you like and shouldnt be reference to others that like others.

i personally would never own any of the vehicles you drive they just arent my style, id rather have lifted or lower trucks and strong v8 cars. If smokey wants to rock his cobalts then let him, years ago nobody got on yoru case for having a GTI now you step up and you look down on ppl that still drive the same class of cars

Well put…

not tryin to be ‘that guy’ but really if you wanna get technical, the SS still has the fastest FWD production vehicle. the Renault that is above it is a limited edition model of only 450 made and it has a 6-point harness, rear seat removed, no soundproofing, wipers and a bunch of other shit stripped off the car to shave weight etc. depending on how you look at it, either are correct. but like i said, if Renault has to do all that to get a 4 second faster ring lap time than the SS, then id like to see the SS stock with the gm stage set-up. it still carries the warranty, and has all the normal features and is still mass produced.

i realize it doesnt matter, i was just looking to save face a bit.

OMG no body gave me shit for driving a GTI!! ha hahahahahaha given that you weren’t aroudn ‘back then’… i guess you can make incorrect statements like that… i got shit daily for driving ‘a four cylinder’… but then again, i’m not some pussy that really cares about comments like that. i actually worked on my car and raced it and didn’t give a fuck about people’s comments.

you guys are such pansy faggots… i’m a wannabe yuppie now??? ?hahaha fuck you guys for real! what is a wannabe yuppie anyway??? because i do work on my cars and do shit myself i’m not a real yuppie??? i don’t get it… should i go buy shitty cars and act like a ballride to be cool again???

and fuck you too george, you went from a fine dude in person to some expert mechanic tuner??? so now you are going to tell me that i’m a yuppie wannabe although you haven’t talked to me for years, but rather would read what i write on a message board and make a statement like that… awesome!

so do you think that’s why so many chicks literally jump onto your cobalt when you roll through mall parking lots??? I’m sure it’s because you drive the mostests bestest production FWD vehicle evear!!! it’s unbelievable how fired up your boys get when i call your car a cavalier haha

oh im not pissed at all. i realize im not gonna score mad pussy due to the car. but i dont rely on the car for that, so its all good. i just like the car, thats all. i realize not many ppl give a shit about it and i knew that when i bought it. i was just pointing some stuff out, not really lookin for anyone to all of a sudden become a fan tho.

step away from your source of tang and read what i had wrote. i said you come across on here as a yuppie in person i cant make comment.

i havent seen smokey or bics in years so i havent spoke to them to even side with them. im speaking on a person that is looking thru the picture window and seeing what you are on here. if you for one minute think anything less then go back for past 3 yrs and actually read all of your posts. youll then see why alot of ppl on this site seem to think that of yourself.

if youre doing successful in life then so be it, everyone on here is doing their own thing in life and are either content or happy. Being successful is more then just having things and funds its also how you present it. you sir/bud do like to rub it in ppls faces, if that is your way then so be it but expect youll get comments from ppl saying " yuppie,smug and etc"

now before you dis me ill do that for you. yes i know im a POS from the rocks… ok next

Whatever faggot, you have that issue of Motor Trend where the Cobalt SS ran a better track time that the Evo on the passenger seat and every time you take a chick out….”Hey check out page 67 in that…you’re in a race car babe”…

george… seriously fuck you… if you want to make a comment when you really do know me, then fuck you. I don’t rub shit in anyones face… but if someone comes on here and talks shit on me, then I comment back and all of a sudden i’m the arrogant one because i’m trying to talk down to people… sorry for hurting feelingz

smokey, i can see your point…the renault r26 is the production car but the r26.r is actually a production car as well, just the ‘race’ version… it does have some stuff removed and no rear wiper, but is still a production car… unforunately, not in america lol. I recently saw one over seas because i’m so awesome and so much better than everyone… anyway, consider it similar to an integra and an integra type r? whatever man, i’m not talking shit for real… it’s just the everlasting comment about bics’s car being shittier and him getting e-thuggin when i comment :slight_smile: oh and i don’t know why you wouldn’t want to pick up chicks… i bet you could get at least 3 16 to 18 year olds at any mall food court at any time, any place… just get some cryo and bladow!

and the bestest part about all these racecars is that no matter how awesome everyone’s car is at the track, very very few people actually race their cars, so whats the point? :dunno:

bics…haha…ive been to known to bring it up when appropriate. i will admit.

sonny…ya i know. i was just pointing it out thats all. not that it matters. but its kinda unfair to compare because gm has full warranty ‘stock’ upgrades for the SS that werent run on the SS when that lap time was run adn it is readily available for any mass produced SS. that was my only point, but it is what it is.