
what it is, is not as badass as a vette, so keep it as the DD and buy a vette… then we will be friends and problem solved.

dude i dont know you for shit these days. im speaking on what ive read since being around. if youre getting upset then maybe you should rethink your way you come across. ive read countless posts from you that anyone could take as smug or yuppie. so saying fuck you to me thats fine cause i dont give two shits honestly. im telling you as a person that used to know you how you come across on a website. In person i cant comment cause again i havent seen your mug in least 3 yrs. so take it for what it is

cobalts arent a bad ride, id rock a SS but again ill buy a 4wd truck long before a fwd sports car

that’ the thing though… i’m not here to be friendly or make friends… you call me out and constantly call my car girlie and me yuppie, why would i give a fuck about calling people out and pointing out their garbage cars??? it’s a two way street bro and i’m not here to present to the world that i’m a nice and caring person… so if i sound like a dick who’s full of myself, then awesome… less friend requests for me!!!

if we all remember (although ‘we’ don’t because you guys weren’t around) we were all friends before this website and all cool with each other long before the internets… we used other forums to plan meetings and then actually hung out and did car shit together. so you guys that are butt hurt over me pointing out your shitty cars and my awesome cars, wahhh wahhh wahhhhhhhhhh :crying:

What I learned from this thread.

  1. Some dude owned his sister for being a slut.
  2. Cobalts suck
  3. Sonny is a smug wannabe yuppie
  4. Cobalts suck
  5. Sonny cannot admit to his douchebagness
  6. I am a e-thug b/c I call dudes out for being smug
  7. Quik keeps it real
  8. Dudes get pissed when people keep it real
  9. Cobalts suck

do as you do. if you like your cars then so be it, do you actually have to try and prove to yourself yoru rides arent chicks or yuppie rides? seriously if roman pierce said “hey sonny your rides are bogus lets go to starbucks” what would you say? if you like yoru rides then so be it, if you dont like his then keep yoru lips shut. You dont see smokes or bics saying shit till you started. smokey is content with his ride bics loves his rides. if you have to prove to anyone but yourself your purchase isnt something then you have other issues to address. maybe low selfesteem buying a specific vehicle to fit a certain image your going for. if you bought it cause you liked it then so be it.

in the end its what you like and what they like. that is why there are things called options

who is roman peirce??? and now i have low self esteem HAHAHAHA

dude, you’re really starting to return to the same old quik… i didn’t fucking prove anything about any car i own! that’s teh whole LOL part about this thread… it had nothing to do about me or my cars until someone else brought it up.

cavaliers are entry level kids cars… cobalts are the new generation cavalier… i dunno what is so bad about saying that… ??? someone gets upset and then i’m the yuppie… wow go you guys!

CLIFF notes for ppl:

more then one person calls sonny a yuppie and he gets upset

you seem to read what you want and not take in the whole reply. you come across the net this way. if your happy with yourself then so be it. if you dont want to seem lik a yuppie then do something to change that. its what you want just speaking out from another persons view you come across on this site as a stuck up snob. you trying to defend youself being a yuppie or etc just adds more proof. Outside of this site no body gives two shits

as for the kids or entry car you are right about entry but also in this time of age ppl also simply choose to have a cobalt for commuting. Grown adults use them since they are more eco priced for some. some rather pay 1k a month for car payment others like 200 a month…what is it to you for you to bash on it or anyone of that nature? id rather have a 10yr truck then a car payment

George… holy fucking LOL @ you giving ME psychological advice… i mean seriously dude… come the fuck on… given your history, i really don’t think you are the person that should be really evaluating other people’s actions, morals and ethics HAHAH!!

and for christ’s sake it’s “CLIFFS” notes

hey dont get butt hurt cause you come across as a yuppie to ppl on this site. youre not the only one either. one of them is also currently reading this thread

ive already stated obvious im a POS from rocks. what more is ther to address but unlike yourself you wont admit your a yuppie wannabe

Oh wait… Bics… if this a new definition for a Yuppie…? I thought PSU = Yuppie. Sonny, did you go to PSU, cause if you did, that would totally explain everything and the world can be perfect again. I love the word Yuppie!!! Please keep using it.

STFU…the word for Penn State is smug you dumb asshole :stick:

sorry, didn’t go to penn state, i go to better schools than that! lol… i’m so snobby though, i can’t help myself, it’s due to my low self esteem! part time tunAr, part time life councillor and psychologist LOL! in all seriousness though, sorry, it is hard to not come across as a snob when you are better than everyone else. :smiley:

Wow… congrats… I believe 5 of your posts on here refer to a Smug asshole yuppie wannabe blah blah blah… your shit always runs together cause you say the same thing over and over.
Next thing out of your mouth… (oh yeah… well Pitt beat PSU in the last game they played) Eat a dick!

isnt it time to change your avatar?

arent you one of the members of bought not built

please do explain my man… why should i change my avatar and what exactly did i buy??? once again, unfounded bullshit runs from your mouth “like whoa”

lol, well what didnt you buy? cause you sure as hell havent built a car thats been on the road.

remember your yuppie status has led you to buy highend cars that are so superior to low grade cars thus why your not finishing your cabby cause your too good for it. it would ruin your yuppie status your trying to achieve


Bics, did you know that the average vagina is 6 inches deep ?

thought it was 8" deep and your average PS member is 4"

Sorry chief, it seems I dont like smug arrogant people…and you and Sonny both qualify…just trying to help you two out…smugness/douchebagness ftmfl