Review: Borat

Borat: Cultural Learning’s of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Opening: November 3, 2006

Booyakasha! Check it:

[ The movie itself was kind of short, around 1 hour and twenty minutes. However, it was by far the funniest, most anti-Semitic 80 minutes of 2006.

All Cohen/Ali G fans will not be the least bit disappointed by this film.

It starts of looking like a crudely shot foreign public access show, just like the skits. Borat comes to the “U. S. and A.” to make a documentary about America and its culture, but not before a brief tour of his homeland, Kazakhstan. While starting his film, he watches an episode of Baywatch. Borat ends up falling in love with ‘CJ’ (Pam Anderson) from the show. Determined on marrying her, he heads to L.A. and continues to film. On the way, he runs into various political leaders, bible humpers, anti-gays, college kids, thugs, law enforcement, southerners, city folk, Jewish people, prostitutes, and other real-life Americans. Hilarity then ensues and people are drawn in and then made extremely uncomfortable and offended. A lot ofvery similar skits from the show are re-done throughout the film.

I really don’t want to spoil anything, so this review is vague (for now). Just expect everything you would want from our favorite Kazakhstani, Borat Sagdiyev. You know:
-M2M kissing
-Woman bashing
-Penis touching
-Jewish jokes
-Political Satire
-Making people look real ugly
-Embarrassing people in general
-Naked woman
-Naked fat men
-ect… ‘The usual’

Whether or not you are familiar with Da Ali G Show or not, you MUST see this film. It is the comedy of the year. And seasons one and two are a must have too.

To sum it up: “I like.”]

[ And I want to thank my Gipsy Girlfriend again:

:slight_smile: ]

You bastard! I can’t wait to see it. Glad it sounds as awseome as I’ve been thinking it’ll be.

Cant wait to see this :tup:

lol I went with Brendan…That basicly sums it up.

Hotel scene = 87FOXGT + Twizted


grrr. is it next friday yet? i’m sooo excited.

I still have nightmares because of that scene. :frowning:

i refuse to see this movie without Adam (Sureshot)… it just won’t be the same lol

ugh i cant wait…but it has a lot of competition out there right now with jackass 2 still in theatres…that’ll be tough to beat

ha how did you get those tix?

A gipsy. :slight_smile:

bump. two days until this movie. can’t wait.

i might go see it this friday if my other plans fall through…

they have borat doing the MTV news today lol

jackass 2 > *

a note from the editor: * means Borat too.

Jackass 2 was great. I won’t lie.

But… Ugh. My statment stands… Best of the YEAR.

O’rly? im gonna have to check it out the for sure! thanks.

I just got back from watching it. I dont think I’ve laughed so hard in my life. Definately a must see movie.

Funny as hell. I would say I laughed about the same amount that I did at Jackass 2.

Very very funny.

Dex and I just saw this… :tup: some parts funnier than others for sure but I definitely laughed throughout most of it…

borat and jackass 2, definitely two of the funniest movies of the year…hands down.

edit: clerks 2 was pretty funny as well.

I wasn’t impressed.

I’ve been watching Ali G since its debut, years ago. True fans of Ali G, will laugh once in a while…as if they were watching Ali G reruns. The movie just re-did everything they did in the show. Don’t get me wrong, it was funny. And someone who is seeing it for the first time will find it hysterical. But it seemed as if i was watching it all for a second time, err maybe actually a fourth time.

And I’m not really sure this movie, is worth all the band wagon hype Borat is going to get now. I think 80% of the people who will see this movie will have never watched a single episode of Ali G, and just believe that Borat was some recently created character.