71 dodge dart 225/6

absolutely turbo it…you cant kill those motors and replacements are a soo easy to find, and cheap at that…the bottom ends are insanely strong…why do you think they don’t make them anymore…no motor work at the dealership = no extra money when shit goes wrong…you can run it with 2 qts of oil and they never die…ever heard of an imperial???..same motor except boxed frame=1 hell of a derby car…no anti freeze resto oil and k&n oil filter…just watch the boost b/c too much and your oil filter will turn into a grenade under your hood…had a 63 dart with a 225…pushbutton auto…some jerkwad in berne lowballed me and i decided it was time to get rid of it…hes got a bunch of parts tho…hes got one for sale on cl…i sold him like 3 motors and 2 truckloads of other parts
