Review: Casino Royale

I went to see this last night with Rubicant and JoeTypeS. I was very disappointed with the film. It was not very Bond-like. Daniel Craig was decent as Bond but the overall movie was pretty mediocre. The movie lacked the usual innuendo as well as the usually impressive slew of 007 gadgets. I give this 1.5/5.

Well, the first problem is you went with Rub-i-cunt and joestypeshort.

Joe probably made you sit all the way in front so he didn’t have to whip out the phone book to see over the person sitting in front of him, Rubi probably kept on interrupting you when he left the theater 5 times to take a piss because of his “tinkle problems.”


yeah this flick sucked

compare to the origional? The first one was more of a comedy i had some doubts about this one, i didn’t see the point of re-making a move that was never really considered a bond movie.

EvoMR, did you feel like the 3rd wheel?

haha, i previewed this thread and was going to make a similar response. Though for matt, i probably would have made some “gamer” joke.


save your 8.50 i didt care for it at all and it wast boring as well

Well considering it’s supposed to NOT be your typical bond film with the corny sex jokes and gadgets, if you went in expecting that, yes, you’d be dissappointed. I’ve been hearing nothing but rave reviews and look forward to seeing it.

^ Enough said.

I went to see the new Bond last night and I think it’s really great. Just like MPD47 said, if you’re expeting corny Bond, you’ll be dissapointed.

However, I know from the beginning that the movie is going to have a new face…just like Batman Begins did.


Agreed Went and saw it last tonight. its a hole NEW beginning to the bond. The action was exellent. that poor car tho (I would have hit the B****.)

Yeah went and saw this last night as well. Definitly a good movie. I loved how it explained why teh bond character acts the way he does…

Was a little drawn out near the end but that was the only part I really didn’t like…

Good plot, had its usually spy story twist to it, and good action

and yes poor car…pure sex on wheels

I thought the movie was great, not the same typical bond movies. Was a bit long though at over 2 hrs. And yes the aston martin was so hot.


just got back from watching this movie.

Definately a good flick.:tup: I would recommend it especially since there is crap out right now. soo. :tup::tup:

werd, this movie was supposed to be more like On Her Majesty’s Secret Service from what i understood.

this sounds like one of those “you’ll hate this movie if you’re stupid” kind of flick…

I’ll have to check it out.

I want to see this movie.
WHen I heard it wasn’t going to be goofy like all the other Bond flicks I was even more excited to see it.

It was very good. I do wish there were more gadgets, but it’s a completely different type of Bond movie, like everyone mentioned.

No one has seen the origional casino royale before though? Im looking for a comparison.