Review: Moto Q9m

Got this phone a week or so ago, been messing with it a bit and since there are a lot of people on here that love to talk smartphones figured I’d post a mini review…

First and foremost the keyboard is by far the best I’ve ever used, nicer than the xv/ppc6700, blackberry 8830, treos, blackjack, etc that I’ve used. It seriously is awesome and I can fly with it… often times typing faster than the phone displays the characters however which is kind of annoying (there is a registry fix for that however).

Stability so far has been awesome, have not had to do any soft resets, which I think is mostly due to windows mobile 6, because 5 crashed all the f’in time. I did a few hacks and mods to it, and they ran well for a while but the speed of the phone degraded quickly with modifications, kind of sucks, I ended up doing a hard reset to go back to factory defaults. Without modding it up the phone is very fast though.

Battery life is “decent” on the standard battery so far. It lasts me through a work day for sure, but if I am emailing heavily with it and/or browsing the web, it will need to be charged if I plan on using it at night.

Software-wise, documents to go, works well thus far… the pdf viewer is a bit nicer. The updated explorer browser seems to work much better than the previous mobile 5 browser, still doesnt touch safari on the iphone though. Active sync obviously works like a charm, but that has never been an issue with any windows mobile phone of the past year really. Media player is whatever, same old story, its not bad but most likely it will never get used.

Reception is a bit better than my previous vx8600, and comparable to the blackberry 8830.

Camera is all right, nothing to write home about. Does have a great flash light though which is great for when you’re in the dark.

All in all phone seems real solid, keyboard and software is great, just does not take modifications very well unfortunately. Also no GPS, but thats relatively rare anyways.

im still using my moto brick phone from the 80’s

What are the specs on memory (RAM) and storage (Flash) in terms of total and free after WM6 is loaded?

Oh and congrats on owning the ONLY WM6 phone in Verizon’s lineup…

lol yea, thats the only reason I went and grabbed it… wanted to see what the new OS is like. It really is on a new level in terms of stability. I am disappointed at how slowly it runs with mods though. It is not just my phone either, my network admin has it also, he tried doing a few mods as well (different ones than mine) and ended up hard resetting it as well for performance issues.

In terms of stock ram/flash 64mb for both, takes mini SD up to 4 or 8gb I think. I have a 2gb card, plenty for me

On a fresh install of WM6, no apps open it sits at 1% cpu util, uses 30mb ram, and consumed 9.37mb storage (with some email on it, so probably more like 7mb)

It supports the high capacity miniSD’s, eh? Nice.

from what i understand it’s supposed to - have not verified yet… i just can’t get over how well they designed the keyboard. it is like it was made from a mold of my fingers :stuck_out_tongue:


I am disappointed at how slowly it runs with mods though.


a Moto that runs slow? i dont believe it! :stuck_out_tongue:


a Moto that runs slow? i dont believe it! :stuck_out_tongue:


lol ya… I know right??

modless though, it flys :tup:

I love my Q9m. I need to get a MicroSD Wifi card for it.

more of you need to be buying these from me

How much would it run without a contract?


How much would it run without a contract?


more than you can afford pal :mamoru:


no really, they are pricey. retail is like $450

just got it yesterday for free

i LOVE it so far, way better than my xv6700

i was thinking about getting this until i found out about no gps. VZ navigator is sooo useful

do those require an expensive plan as well as voice plan

for it to be worthwhile you’re going to want unlimited data…

if you just want a cool text messaging phone and no internet though you can get a regular plan.