Rexy Wagon > IROC Z!!!

On the way to work today. Some mid 20’s dude in his siqqq 80’s era IROC Camaro went flying off from a traffic light with no warning or sign of wanting to go.

But he caught the red at the next light.

This time he looks over and revs at me a few times. The light turns, and he hammers the gas, tires spinning. I didn’t launch, so he had a half car on me through first gear, grabbed second and pulled a couple cars by 60, extended the lead through half of 3rd gear, then let off as I had to turn to continue to work.

He flew by with a middle finger out the window, which I was less than shocked by. He was driving a transmarobird after all.

The weird thing, I couldn’t hear Disturbed coming from his car.

Strange. I probably just couldn’t hear it over my exhaust.


The weird thing, I couldn’t hear Disturbed coming from his car.


I thought that was a 4th Gen only thing?

Or maybe he had a v6 riced out domestic style. :wink:

WTF, a F-body cant be beat by a 4 OR a 6cyl. no matter what BUT, even if it did…you only have a 4cyl or 6cyl. :gotme:
…at least thats what Ive been told. :rolleyes:

Jeffys down with the sickness!!

you probably couldnt hear disturbed cuz he is still rocking a tape deck and the massive overplaying of one song led to the tapes demise.

:gotme: if they even make tapes anymore with newer bands on them


Jeffys down with the sickness!!



I always thought 3rd gen maros were Guns n Roses? Metallica?

yeah alot of them give a bad image against the 3rd gens and its usually stocked… not too shabby with some shit done to them tho