
me to its a fat chick that drives it and she lives near me.

thank god u guys have not seen my car yet i bet u would have put me in here


so good

fairgentlemanz - no one will like you when u pretend to be cool online. im sure the majority of the board that has met me likes me better than you. PM me and ill send you more pics of my car for you to post on this thread if it makes you feel better buddy :tup:

Great thread here…

Does she still live on Transit?

keep em commin

How come every cavalier just looks like rice to me? lol



haha good thread :tup:

it’s a cavalier … i wish i had pics of my buddy’s blue cavy(he’s in AZ for college right now). rice to the max FTW!!! focusinprogress can vouch for it lol

not a pic but a whole song about ricers

i like the look of this car, sans dumb paint and wing.

i dont know her personally i just always see her drivin but as far as i know yea

the pink cavy…is that the “she” you’re speaking of? because i on many many occasions have seen it parked in a lot of a house at the intersection of transit and broadway…right next to that glass/colision shop i think…

Across from BK lol with her baby blue neon lover boi

yup thats where i assume she lives??


yes itsa she i seen her at Wendy’s…havent seen the neon or cavy on broadway and transit in w while

that pink cavy tried racing me once last summer. i laughed.

:lol: hahahahah this thread is great :tup:
:rofl: i cant even believe some people waste their money on so much distasteful looking crap to put on their cars…and if you go ricer, atleast try to match some stuff up …bwahahhha