Ricer Brigade Sighting

I live over in Williamsville and today my neighbor was having there roof worked on.

Abou 7 guys total working, most of them drive beat up pickups.

But 3 of the guys didnt.

A red Grand Am with Altezzas, Park Bench, silver/white tribal graphics, and a bodykit that looked like it raised the car lol.

Mustang, autov6 red w/ altezzas and park bench.

And A Neon Green stratus with chrome rims, yellow greenish graphics, altezzas and a park bench.

Has anybody seen these cars around? The Jobs not finished so they should be back tommorow.

pics or ban

definitely get pics

:lol: Your neighbors are going to wind up with a spoiler on their roof. Go on, picture it a house with a big spoiler! :lol: :rofl:

Uggh, it’s been a long day…

I have seen that Stratus around



not to be a huge dick, but don’t you have altezzas, and no back bumper… and a loud exhaust on an accord…?


With all those park bench wings, at least they have somewhere to sit when they eat lunch.

Daddie, no.

I used to have no rear bumper to the accident I was in klast september and had to get a new one. I used to have a bodykit but sold it and got OEM bumpers and a front lip. My tails were blakc altezzas which didnt look that bad and are now smoked. My exhasut is loud but its a full exhasut system, not just a mufler.

And what is wrong with an accord? I got it when I was 16…

Planning on getting the Euro Accord while in Europe this summer (Army) and bringing it back. RHD tsx.

Not to start shit but I used to be riced out and am now moving towards engine.

Few people can vouch for me on that one. Beck, Newman, Nick, Slomies.

Im changing lol.

But if you were yto se these cars, you would luagh very hard.