
That used to be mine but I sold it.

Whatever makes you feel good man. You call the guys in the Honda Fags because they have an ugly Civic and then you tell me its ‘merely interest’ and all in good fun? Right…

I too stare and laugh at cars that are ridiculous but posting them online and bashing them is lame in my opinion especially when you don’t even own a car.

Most of the cars posted were built in the F&F era and it was cool then but now their not and these guys are stuck driving them so why hate on them, its enough punishment to drive these things.

Acura MDX , its an SUV … sorry … and yea i get what u mean … its prolly just the fact that i got carried away with my opinion … basically … its my wrong … and i feel like a shithead … and no … i dont hate hondas.

Yes an MDX is a SUV, but they dont have a type S. Nice try though.

haha im running meshies as a matter or fact

lol … nope mine is a Type S … ill take a pic just 2 prove it.

took some quick pics …

honestly tho … when i did research on a Type S model for the MDX… i found none lol … the car was purchased like that from the dealership … so unless someone thought it was cool and decided 2 stick that emblem on … i have yet 2 discover.

hacknick u went to dick hansen? haha same… what a shitty ass school. cianfrini needs to burn in hell

one of the older guys car at the shop i work at. hes actually in his late 20’s yet his car looks like a 16 year olds. the whole shop bashes on his car all the time.


so you, who started a thread dedicated to bashing the stupid things people do to their cars, have a type S sticker on an MDX…

that’s fuckn classic.

reality check: it’s just a badge. there’s no Type S.

nice job, ricer.

LOL didint u read what i posted under the picture? we got the car that way lol . no jokes … my mom got it from the acura dealership on queensway in etobicoke ( i 4get the main intersection) but yea … i dont have time 2 go out… steal/find a type S badge. . and put it on 2 my SUV lol. but yea … i got what i deserved. karma’s a bitch

Agreed. I mean, you definitely don’t have the time to type “to” and write a “2” instead, so you must be a very busy man.

lol … Im used to using msn alot.

Yeah I hate how MSN forces you to write “2” instead of “to”. Those microsoft bastards forcing our youth to be completely illiterate.


Word. I remember one time, Steve Balmer came to my house with a handgun because I was using punctuation. Scary shit man.




:puke:…pure overkill

GTR Accord ftw!! haha

My sister was bitching for me to get back in the car, otherwise I would grabbed a pic from the other side. PURE stickers. It was hilarious!

I then called him a ricer and my sister said I was racist LOL!!! For anyone that knows her, you know she is a stupid cunt.