Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

i was thinking of reaching from sauga and was wondering if anyone was gonna show up.

I’ll come for a while.

Will have some time to kill.

no, cause all they do is nerd shit.

i’m showing up at leslie 16th with sideways 240. u bithces better show up or i’ll show up at your house

I’ll try and pop in between 9-10pm or so.

so angry! i love it

great meet tonight guys, glad to see everyone again :smiley:


Is anyone going tonight? I may make my grand debut.

Hahahah, a premier…

I might come.

Anyone else?

Jon, you dirtbag, 9:30!!!

The time of meeting approaches, let us all accept our ceremonial positions outside tim hortons.

me and kelvin are heading up soon.

Chris you bettter be their with my agx’s :smiley:

Did anyone show up?

i did…only in my dreams… was a good meet

yea… i dreamt about it too… not =P

yoooo vlad

where did you get the picture for your sig??

he robbed it off an old lady…

anyone coming out this friday ?

OMG Vlad is … asking???

Ok well then. I’ll be there.

ill reach there

will make an appearance/

I got my pilot bushing out today :slight_smile: