Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

Not my fault, Andoru-Doriftou decided to blow his motor, and I had to spend a day helping him swap it, instead of working on my car. I’m going up to the shop again today, and in theory, car should be done when I come back. I’ll grab insurance on it and drive it back on Monday if all goes according to plan.

I was fully aware that there might not be anyone there, just wanted to grab a coffee and go for a cruise either way. I couldn’t have left much sooner than I did. We have stayed there that late at times IIRC after all so I figured there might be some 240’s still hanging around.

As for the start time, i’m pretty neutral on it. If the consesus is later, 'tis fine on my end.

Hopefully i’ll see you guys next week if I can. :slight_smile:

And remember everyone - 9:30pm!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like a night to remember, Jon :stuck_out_tongue:

Antonio, give me a call when it’s ready and I’ll come to woodbridge to see it. Check your PM for the #.

Anybody for tommorow?

noit showing up until someone posts that they are, last week was stupid.

Doesn’t look like it.

Kelvin, come to Chris’ place.

anyone gunna be there tonight?

cris place? ill brin te booze.

keyboard is missin a bunc of keys…lol

LOL I just got back from his place.

And Anthony, nobody is gonna be at the meet tonight.

bah! i know i was there all by my lonesome… sigh and i didnt know where chris lives… i need to get my phone working again.

Next time… Next time…

well, there was a nice mini-meet in the basement of CG though. a bunch of TNC cars are always in the southwest corner. So any 240s that are alone at timmies shoudl totally drop by.

Ya I see them there all the time haha!

me and vlad might show this week

Vlad and I***

if ppl show this week, i will too…

Engineers don’t need to sort grammar proper

Did you get a new muffler or exhaust?

i’ll come if other people come tonight :slight_smile:

I’ll be out chris, vlad’s coming too.
