Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

Yea i started going to meets in barrie with there club up there my GF came with me maybe 3 times and refuses to go anymore, she just sits in the car and reads… ahh well

How about next time just buy me, ken, ali and antoni a medium coffee cuz we payed all the bills so its like a buck and 25 cents each

We should do two meets guys… one on friday and one on saturday so we can have a variety of people out even if you cant make it out for both days, its good to see OG members chilling with the newer members.

that works lol, remind me at the next meet who I owe it too bc ill probably forget and get it for the wrong people

Im not OG am I?

Ofcourse you are Ali :stuck_out_tongue:

im not OG, but i am a G.

Anyone from this group going to the Kennedy Commons meet?

i’ll be there for a bit…

If anyone wants to drive down together at 9…let me know

^^pick me up and take me there and back LOL

Is your sister coming…LMAO

ill cut u good.

The last 10-15 posts in this thread have been the most pointless and retarded posts this 1400+ post thread has ever seen in its long life. Take your penny calculating asses to PM if you’re arguing about money. And if you’re talking about going to the KC meet… talk in the fucking KC thread.

looks like you guys usually have a lot of fun. i might drop by to join in. i’ll go park with kengi on the toyota side of the meet. lol.

Sheetup lol

Sandy Vagina’s ahhhh Kengi

If you gentlemen want to lick each other’s cunts, just pm for msn and you can cybersex all you want without posting on son. That goes for you too kengi.

Too bad you arent a moderator. lmao

So these meets happen every friday?

Anyone wanna help a n00b out and cruise down? I’m @ Dufferin + Clark area.