Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

just head north on dufferin to rutherford, then head east until leslie and timms is on the southwest corner.

why dont u ask yuri to tag along?

Nick, Tobe told me you picked up a 240. Call me tommorow or thursday and bring it by.

He picked up the “240” that coupe that was clean as f*ck in two tone.

whos going friday? ill be down for sure.

no burn outs this time please ali

ill be there with some other ppl.

Someones gotta ship me over to this one. My car is still being useless in the garage.

3)Kengi (if someone can drive me over)

obv guy^^

I might come out…might being the operative word since i have work the following morning so i’ll see

Kengi I think YRT runs by there! LOL

HAHAHA Will your not working in the morning…Don’t lie LOL


kengi, if im going i dont mind picking you up. i’ll let you know thursday night. most likely im going though.

p.s. no burnout from ali for at least two weeks. he is away for a while.

I will be there for a bit…not to long…to much work to do :frowning:

I’m down for a brief period. I will cruise up with Nick, only cuz I wanna see that car in person haha.

Oh and you don’t wanna see me? :frowning:


its supposted to be like 18* outside tomorow, fuck yes! we wont have to wear 30 jackets to keep warm outside.

i have an exam on saturday, but maybe i’ll stop by for 30 minutes or so… seems like more and more ppl are starting to come out of the woodwork!

I’m up for tomorrow most likely, gonna need a ride though :lol: s_14 you up to give me one maybeeeee?

^^^ you owe me food -_- lols

Working tomorrow then birthday party. I’ll be at luxxy down the road but i dont think i’ll be showing tomorrow.