
At the exact same time, there are two young men on opposite sides of the earth: One is walking a tight rope between two skyscrapers, The other is getting
oral sex from an 85 year old woman. They are each thinking the exact same thing. What are they both thinking?

I’ll give Karma to the person who figures it out :tup:

Thinking about baseball?

I know but I don’t want to ruin it!

I know it too… but I thought baseball was funier.

_ _ _ ’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

don’t look down!!

i was thinking “its a long way down” but after readingthe joke again i was like"that wouldnt apply to the dude GETTING head" … but would if he was giving it …

lol silvergtp gots it


i knew it before he did.

hahaha oh ya

ha i knew it before i finished reading, that was really good. i usually suck at riddles (no pun intended)

+1 :eekdance:


omg. haha:rofl:
