Ride of her life...

Syracuse Street Racers promotional video…


lol my wife reacts the same way to my daily driving :lol:

Driver should backhand her. Wus.


haha… Seriously, its like driving with my mom…

BAAAHAHAHAHA all i can think about is the ONE lap melissa did with me at Dunnville last year…that was all she could stand…

lol…sorry, for that reason this is probably a lot funnier to me than is will be to most.

why some people shouldn’t wear open-faces helmets? :smiley:

Was that the “Stig” driving? (BBC Top-Gear seeing the video had a .de after it)

:slight_smile: good times lol

Should have used a 7 point harness.

With points 6 and 7 to the left and right of her head, with the strap straight across her mouth :slight_smile:

i would have run that straight into the wall once i heard her screaming

Yeah, I would have just stopped and said, “get out, you annoy me.”

I want to see what they were driving on. That bitch was overreaching. Like most womenz.

I wanna say that’s a Polo cup car. But I didnt think they allowed the DSG box, just manual in the series. Car certainly doesnt have a sequential/straight cut setup so it’s definitely a BMW or Audi or VW.

I was hoping that the driver would of given her a right jab to the noggin

fucking moron

If I was him, I would have been laughing in the most evil way and saying things like “OMG I dont think we are gonna make this turn!!”