
That’s what worries me.

'99 Duc Monster. Maybe only 3 years total off and on but started riding around '00.

how can you throw around those comments with only 3 years of experience? do you frequent those boards? 99 monster, so its carbed? 620? 800? s2? I like monsters, but seriously… those other boards although a plethora of motorcycle knowledge exists on them, and i’ve made a ton of friends there too, i’ve also butted heads with a few of them, and realistically 10 new threads a day barely occupies me for more than 5 minutes, with nyspeed, i spend hours if im bored at work

^^^ you wouldn’t understand him, cavi mike’s a seasoned veteran rider. you’re just a squid who’s on a cars only and nothing else ever forum. you must have been beaten as a child and need attention from the 2fast2furious car guys, like me.

:lol: must be… i dont really ride with too many people i dont know, if i do, i try to stay at the front of the pack or the way back of the pack, my group ride record (when they are unknown to me) isnt a very solid one. therefore. i avoid those situations… JBGTI, Ieatpaint, 87foxgt, rx3, kransky, shrives and a few others… but other than that, i dont know your tendencies, so i typically steer clear from them. Cruise, ok, maybe, but when we go out to have a ride, i dont like worrying about what rider xyz is doing, if hes gonna hit me, lowside, hit a tree etc etc… i have full confidence in those i listed on this site. (im sure i’ve forgotten some too)

im on sportriders, gstwins, here, hondatech, and a few others. you really cant beat the traffic on this site for how local it is. the amount of members who own bikes on this site might not compare to the other sites, but the amount of activity about bikes here is good.

The monster is my dream bike. i was just in williamsville here in holland looking at it. im going to start selling whatever body parts that arent required to ride to get one. seriously though, i want one bad.

I’m also on sportriders and check out BSR once in a while. They are great forums with great people, but there is just not much new to hold my attention during the day.

I would be careful about making accusations of people based on where they spend their time on the internet without knowing a thing more about them.

i love cruising with groups of bikes…but it’s so hard to do seeing that most of my friends have sport bikes, and i’m on a harley… :frowning:

definitely not fun riding with a group you can’t keep up with lol…

sounds like its time for you to make a change then :wink:

:lol: you sir, are an idiot

I agree with ieatpaint 100%. I ride with roughly 5-7 people 99% of the summer. People i know and trust. Fuck group rides unless i know you. I went on two group rides last summer and BOTH times 20+ riders, wrecklessness, dropped bikes, and stupidity the entire time. Real sweet when i have to look over my shoulder the whole time to see what asshat is going to scream past me next. COOL.

EDIT: im not hating on the OP for wanting to gather members for a cruise, just cavi mike lol.


The ride is 100% more enjoyable when you ride with people who you trust. Fuck riding with the squids that give the rocket crowd a bad name and being in the “IN” crowd. I have better things to worry about :stuck_out_tongue: