I’ve found that over the years many people tend to join the sport, have a little bit of fun with it and leave.
Last year alone I’ve had 3 of my good friends all buy bikes - a 636, Cbr600 and Katana 750.
A year later what happens? 636 is totaled - no replacement, Cbr600 is sold, Katana 750 never rides and is about to be sold.
Not to mention Code Blue Jason also selling his bike - for multiple good reasons, and a small number of others.
However there have been a select few that have been with me for a few years and we’ve put on some miles, and I know I’ll have a damn good riding buddy next year - yours truly the moderator - Aaron, who is quite an inspiration.
Not really a point to this, just kind of depressing to see people join the sport for wrong casual reasons and leave after getting me all excited.
I can relate not to bikes with this, but with quads. I bought my Z400 new back in 08, a few saw that I bought one and purchased some as well. That trend went on and on and we had like 10-12 people with new/er quads riding a few times a week. Well the novelty wore off, some sold em, some broke em, and alot just sit there collecting dust. I still ride mine as much as I can though, and have never really gotten bored with it.
I want a bike BAD, but its not in the budget at the moment =-(
In all honest Vlad if I could find a bike I really want to buy and ride, and could afford, I’d go and do some ride up north. Used to ride alot, not so much anymore. Tough with business and kid and wife, and business My cousins night rod is sitting here in storage. I could take it out any time, that is when time existed to do so.
I want a 748, yellow, marchesini wheels, monoposto because I’m too damn tall for the bike to begin with let alone having a passenger. Or maybe a 748 dark. Or a 916SPS. Ok I’m a duc fag.
Almost bought jay’s 600rr but didnt feel like dieing from ppl not knowing how to drive there cars. Seen 3 car/bike accidents last year and the 4th accident killed the guy right in front of me when the civic in front of me was going around a turn on the cellphone and went over the yellow line hiting the bike head on. killed him, the 2nd bike skidded to hit that car and the 3rd was far enough behind to stop jump off his bike and run over to bike#1. NEVER want to see that again. and it was the guy i work with’s brother that died
Also i just dont trust myself on a bike. had my cousins 600rr over a weekend in the summer (only have my permit) and rode with a couple other ppl. idk… after going past great escape down that hill at 110 scared the shit outta me with nothing protecting me.
I had my fun with bikes. Every now and then I rip my brother’s 954 around. I’ll probably never have a street bike again. Possibly down the road I may look into a Springer.