atv riding this weekend

hi all, just fixed my masheen and would like to go riding. adamgtmustang guy, you goin cuz idk where to ride.


noob riding day I see.

I might be game for goin, unless non-nOObs arent allowed…

idc, i’m not expert. pejaybee got stuck up the hill and i did not.

He did?? :lol

yah, maddddd funny.


i lol every time i heard this story

pejaybee had new tires and mine were bald and he was jumpin up and down on the quad, at one point he almost flipped over iirc… maybe not tho.

Can you wheelie yet pete?

Dude go with sully, we have woods behind our houses

please dont take sully out, i dont wanna hear about him gettin hurt again

:lol Me him and Mike went out 2 weekends ago, MAD fun! Sully with his bad luck picked up a 6" railroad tie though

LMAO, I gotta fix the flat tire first…

But FU bitches, I’ll be in VEGAS this weekend!

You lucky sob!

Not sitting down but I could with my 90 lol. I drove the raptor 3 times I haven’t tried yet… It’s benn broken more than it’s been running lol

jeesh, sounds like my car :Idiots

You have the PJB-mobile of quads! :lol

aka, he can’t wheelie…popping the tire up doesn’t count :lmao

I think Id die if I ever saw pete pull a decent wheelie :lol