anyone want to hit the ice this weekend?

Im gonna load up and spend a day tearing shit up down at Wagers pond next to the northway near the twin bridges if anyone else wants to bring their quad/dirtbike down let me know. Planning on going saturday.

Sounds fun but not having studs kinda leaves me out

I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be heading down that way on Sunday- swapping tires around right now- yay!

yah I was taking the studs out of my old tires a little while ago…gonna put them on my other tires tomarrow.

My car needs tires before the quad gets a studded set.

wagers is better on sun ,more people willin to race and not so uptight

My quad is sooooo loose. I think I may need new studs. To lazy to re-stud them thou.

fucking I jack my quad up to take my rear wheels/tires off cause im studding those ones instead of the other studded rim/tire setup I have and I notice my wheel/hub fell right off…fucking Hub lock nut is GONE. Dont know when this happened but good thing I noticed it now…dont want to be blowing into a corner at 70+mph and have my right rear tire blow off! Last time I rode it was in fall…quad is still covered in mud.

Since when do you have something to ride?

One of the guys we were riding with had his wheel fall off because the nut was missing. Luckily he was going slow when it happened. He was able to MacGyver it on with a key ring and slowly ride back.

My quad is covered in frozen mud.

i just go there to drink:D

I blew my rim off my hub last year out on round lake…all 4 bolt holes in the aluminum rim stripped out and started to have play…then the rim twisted and blew off…I slid accross the ice 4th gear pinned. Nearly Shat myself. I crash almost everytime I ride LOL


anywyas i dont have anything to ride , othterwise i would def be down for this !

both sleds are basically wrecked, or broken down so fuck it

id love to go but I have no quad

ride on the back with pete LOL

if my starter clutch is installed then I’ll prolly sat and sunday… Dave if you want we could prolly load up the 90 too

Prolly not gonna have the studs in though

worth a shot:rofl

hey man I have about 600-700 studs left over if you want them…

And you dont fucking call me.

So where exactly is this place? Any fee to ride?? And CAN you ride without studs, i know its not going to be very productive, but I have no choice lol

Its by the twin bridges- riverview road I think. I see tracks there all the time when Im driving over the bridges.