RidinDirtyCrx's Build Thread (Now Running)

wrinkle paint on that valve cover would have looked alot better than the paint you used on it…but it looks alot better than before so anything is an improvement…but for the future you should look into wrinkle paint

as far as the wiring…i have to agree with everyone that the connectors you used are not going to last long and you will have to go through and re-do it. If your 100% confident you did the wiring correctly i would go through and re-do it correctly before u get deep into the project. If your just trying to make sure it runs, that would be the first thing i would do once it was running. I wouldnt even use those connectors on an aftermarket head-unit, they are just garbage in my opinion.

other than that i like how ur taking the initiative and doing it yourself. You’ll learn alot that way and gain some valuable skills in the long run. Keep up the good work.