Riding BMX while drinking=ouch

Be a man on pittspeed!

I ran Shimano and KKM pedals, and got chunked enough times too :slight_smile:

it is only a flesh wound

I’m not dead yet. Think I’ll go for a walk.

chicks dig scars

shin death comes with the territory. it’s something we deal with


:rofl: i have those pedals… PAINFUL!

Um, no u don’t…:stick:

I had a set of Odyssey Black Widow pedals that actually stuck in my Poorboy shin guards. Right through the plastic.

I have the shin bone dents/chips too. I think those are mostly from platform impacts. :rofl:

i remember the old riding days kinda miss them prolly couldn’t do shit if i got on a bike now though i used to ride a standard sta 500 with profile ss crank and oddysee hazard wheels, s&m pitchfork, hb stem,

tahts almost the the exact bike i have in my closet right now that im thinkin about parting out. except i got ditch forks cuz i was gay and thought pegbosses would be cool… big mistake…

my best friend once gouged his shin and had a little 2mm thick piece of muscle hanging out. we then all proceeded to watch him pull it out. muscle is strong! his hand was shaking he was pulling so hard. hahaha

Riding got cut short today when a friend popped a tire without a spare (we were down Turtle Creek.)

Light pedal bite and torn sock, oh snap!

