I broke my ankle.


So, I was riding my little kids bike at Brickhouse skatepark then i fell and broke my ankle then i laid down for like 2 hours then i taped my shit up and drove the talon home 40 minutes shifting and cussing then i went to the hospital and then on monday i had a plate and shit put in since it turns out like the bottom of my fibula where it meets my ankle spiral cracked in like half.

so thats my little story. it sucks. i know. but i felt the need to rant.

good one dumb ass ! …lol

looks like no riding for u for awhile…maybe u should stick with 4 wheels :tounge:

Damn, that is one fat ankle! I hate ankle injuries… Haven’t broken any yet, but they can be painful (<-- Skateboarding for past 6 years)

i shattered and dislocated my ankle, in football, when I was younger. I feel your pain.

the crappy part is when you start walking/running on it again. it’s like learning to walk all over again

hope u feel better

That looks aweful! ouch.

that’ll buff right out

ouch! hope you feel better

i did the exact same thing playing hockey a few years back, spiral cracked my fibula and one of the other bones just broke right in half, so i broke 2/3 bones in the ankle. Luckily it was my left foot so i could still drive. I got extremely lucky and didnt need surgery though.

now that…is one ugly injury…sucks man

did it hirt?

Vicodin ftw?

i feel your pain. i broke my ankle when i was in high school and that sucked big time.

Ouch. Looks rough. The worst part is the blood rush to your foot when you stand up. I hated that when I busted mine. Rest up and get better.

well, most of the time I’d say I’d rather have a break than a sprain, but that looks and sounds pretty nasty. Good luck.

ouch that looks painful good luck on recovery

Wow, bad break. Any chance you lawn-darted?

Thats tough, rest up man. Post some pics of the beast, or bike… lol

Don’t be a bitch Steve :tounge:


lorocet plus> vicidon

I spiral fractured my right fibula 2 years ago, that hurts liek a bitch.