Rink Progress Pics (Updated 12/29)

that has to be a big P.I.T.A. I wonder how many people they have working on it.

Pics are dead? not even in your photobucket account.

working for me?

not for me…lemme try IE?

nope, red x’s…dont even get them in FF though weird


they’ve been working in ff for me all night. weird.

They work here in IceWeasel. What were they taken with, looks like a traffic camera or something.

Its probably a security camera lol

looks like fun

It’s gotta be hard to make ice in this 40+ degree weather.


They will be using some serious chillers. It will be cool…

as i was sitting in my seats for the bills- giants game… me and my group noticed how bad our seats would be for the game… if any of u guys have tickets to this game and they are in the end zones… good luck u wont see a damn thing

They can make it up until 54 degrees then it gets shitty.

I can’t imagine how any seats in that place are gonna be a good view of the game. Staduim is way to shallow for that.

this is true but its still going to be one hell of a game!!

lol @ all the bitches saying there wont be good seats, must not have tickets huh :slight_smile:

I honestly dont see how any of the seats could be any good

I really don’t care about the view that much, I am just going because it is going to be a FUN part of history.:eekdance:

Front row of the nose bleeds seem to be the best, look at how far back the front row is. Imagine getting the front row at a sabres game but theres 50 feet between you and the boards.

wow they have a hell of a lot more work to do damn!