RIP Chadwick Cruise

ill be there, and if you want to meet at the tim hortons i said before. this is where it is located.

  1. Cryptic (Scott)
  2. gabriel240sx (Nicholas)“white prelude”
  3. farmer
  4. rmallari (Roel)
  5. PureEuroM3(Tom)
  6. 87s15lt1 (Chris)
  7. Colin_h (Colin) 6&7 coming together
  8. konvokiller

I will try to come and show my support. very sad thing to happen.

I think this is a good idea, but driving around with all these 240’s NOT in niagara is gunna be kinda hard… too many people are gunna be rolling stop signs…
you guys should make it a meet, not a cruise…

you sure this will work?

is the area you are going to cruise threw open & able for having all these cars go through it?

saturday afternoon it’ll be somewhat packed it enough people show up. but the streets are fine. not far at all from the meeting place. 10 and mayfield are 2 major roads in brampton.

my opinion…it will be packed. but it will work flawlessly if everyone is aware, and not stupid.

and if anything we could meet in the plaza my work is at. no tims or anything but it’s a big lot.

chris (konvokiller) should know i seen him driving behind my shop…we were loadin up a mustang.

tim, thats mississauga not niagara :wink: probably wont make it out to this but great idea nonetheless…

  1. Cryptic (Scott)
  2. gabriel240sx (Nicholas)“white prelude”
  3. farmer
  4. rmallari (Roel)
  5. PureEuroM3(Tom)
  6. 87s15lt1 (Chris)
  7. Colin_h (Colin) 6&7 coming together
  8. konvokiller
  9. Falken (Rico)

im really liking the positive support for this cruise…

it will be a basic meet, talk amoungst eachother breifly and wait for everyone.

then im gonna lead the pack to the site and park on the side of the road (legally far enough from signs and markers) and pay my respects with flowers… i will be there for a bit, but anyone is welcome to do as they please… there is no set artinerary since this is the reason… to pay respects from a community to a lost but never forgotten member.

i know this strecth of road and we should be able to park a LARGE amount of vehicles without being in the wrong, just keep to the shoulder and were good.

  1. Cryptic (Scott)
  2. gabriel240sx (Nicholas)“white prelude”
  3. farmer
  4. rmallari (Roel)
  5. PureEuroM3(Tom)
  6. 87s15lt1 (Chris)
  7. Colin_h (Colin) 6&7 coming together
  8. konvokiller
  9. Falken (Rico)
  10. Soulitude (Will) - i may need a ride so if either Jpod or Konvokiller can come get me it would be much appreciated, else ill do it on my own time

Will, I’ll drive you brah

im going to try to come.
im also making a small decal for my car.

im in, i met him some time ago and he became a good friend and a good hand when i needed help on my car. ill there for sure.

  1. Cryptic (Scott)
  2. gabriel240sx (Nicholas)“white prelude”
  3. farmer
  4. rmallari (Roel)
  5. PureEuroM3(Tom)
  6. 87s15lt1 (Chris)
  7. Colin_h (Colin) 6&7 coming together
  8. konvokiller
  9. Falken (Rico)
  10. Soulitude (Will)
  11. Osad

if my car is out of the booth by then ill reach

and jammin with toast
i ment its gunna be hard to have all these cars doing a cruise on local streets in sauga, niagara is one thing, but sauga?

has to be in the after noon after rush hour.

Hey someone, get cp24 or city news to come by to finally do a story on something positive involving car crews

sauga? … saugas the other way man … this is all btown … or id accept caledon … missisaugas on the other side of the city.


i’ve never met him but I will try to make it to show support

im not against having the news there, a peice about a “modded” car driver being the victim for once broadcasted would be new to the population…

but im not taking responsibilty for it.
maybe a mini vote and someone could contact them. im sure they would show up for a bit.

well we can either get it on the news (at least try) or have no way to get out that we aren’t just immature irresponsible jerks that are constantly profiled.

actually i thought of that at work yesterday but i didnt know if everyone wanted that. ill see if i can contact them about it as long as the consensus is up for it.

I’m not really feeling the idea of the news… people cruising will be paying repects to a fallen member of our club. We’re not showboating and telling the world how mature we are. Leave that for another event. Let his family mourn in peace not crowded by a news crew.