RIP MAcho Man

:frowning: :tdown:

Man what a bummer. He was my favorite wrestler when I was a kid. I remember we had an old TV that got the sound from all the PPV’s but no picture. I stayed up late to listen to his title match at Halloween Havoc and he won the belt.

heard he was street drifting with nick hogan?

Man, for 58 he looked like shit… sad

What is it with Professional Wrestlers dying all the time?

Even God hates pro wrestling.

  • for the record, I believe both to be about as real as the tooth fairy.

That sucks! I remember when he was supposed to come back

It’s still real to me, dammit!

I know it’s awful, but the comment on “SNAP INTO A TREE… OH YEAH!!” on TMZ made me laugh.

RIP Randy Savage

Album sales should skyrocket now

RIP Macho Man

macho bummer

last time I could get into pro wrestling was WCW. I liked the wolf pack, ect.

I met him 10 or so years ago at one of those big car shows they use to have at the convention center. He was really cool in person. alot more down to earth than I expected.


I met him at Tops.
I’ll never forget that day.