Macho Man ate too many slim jims.....

The Macho Man Randy Savage died after a heart attack while driving his car…he snapped into a tree…:slight_smile:


Was he racing Nick Hogan?

:Idiots too soon. You need to wait a couple days before making fun of dead people.

No because Hogan would have wrecked another Supra. Everytime Nick Hogan gets another Supra, Paul Walker sheds a tear.

:lol :rofl:rofl:rofl :lol


It’s going to be a somber induction event this weekend at the Wrestling Hall of Fame.

What’s the point if waiting? They are just as dead now as they will be next week.

Why? Will he be less dead in a few days?

I wonder if steroids played a part. Im thinking yes.

holy shit… it was a car accident

Steroid ABUSERS (not users) sometimes have heart problems, so it very well could be.

Rip macho man.oooohhh yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh

heart attack while driving.