Nick Hogan + Supra/Cars = Bad

(CNN) – A high-speed car accident in Florida has left the teenage son of wrestling star Hulk Hogan seriously injured and a companion in critical condition late Sunday, police said.

Nick Bollea, 17, was the driver of a Toyota Supra that went out of control while driving at a “high rate of speed” about 7:30 p.m. Sunday, said Wayne Shelor, a spokesman for the Clearwater police in Clearwater, Florida.

The car “inexplicably left the roadway,” jumped across a raised median and slammed into a palm tree just east of downtown, Shelor said.

“It destroyed the car,” he said.

Firefighters had to extract Bollea and his passenger, whose identity was not immediately released, from the wreckage. Both were flown to a hospital in nearby St. Petersburg, Florida, Shelor said.

Hulk Hogan, one of the top professional wrestlers of the 1980s and 1990s, is now featured in the VH1 reality show “Hogan Knows Best.” His son, wife Linda and daughter Brooke regularly appear on the show.

One episode documented the son’s interest in a type of high-speed car racing known as “drifting.”

Shelor said there was no evidence of drag racing or “drifting” in Sunday’s wreck.

Police said Bollea – known to viewers as “Nick Hogan” – was not as seriously hurt as his passenger, who was listed as critical.

… poor car

poor kid, hope he is ok.

stupid kid… poor car

him and hulk had a few supra’s built for em years back

the two cars were featured in super street

i beleieve, if i remember corectly, that hulks was aroundn 600hp, and this yellow one, nicks, was closer to 900

Poor passenger.

poor car…stupid kid…he’s 17! What 17 year old knows how 2 handle such a car?


like you said… poor car, stupid kid. Hope his passenger will be ok though

At least he won’t be wrecking any more Vipers for a little while.

The Hulkster should be feeling guilty here too. He should never have let the kid drive a car like that at 16.

Hey Did You All See The Episode Of Nick Trying To Qualify To Be A Race Car Driver??..i Hope He Is O.k But He’s Is Not Ready For That Car And Power Like That

dont worry… he’ll slowly rise to his feet shaking his finger at the doctor, then he’ll clothesline him and do the big leg drop before escaping the ER.

Poor kid, it’s the hard way to learn. At 17, even with a Hyundai Pony in your hands, accidents happens when you are learning to drive. How often do I see youngsters going fast and driving like they own the road with cheap ass cars almost ready to fell apart. You can’t blame the kid from having Hulk Hogan as a father, he didn’t choose or asked for it. I think a 17 year old driving a tuned Supra makes more sense than a 17 year old driving a super bike’s without any experience. The driver can be 17 or 54 years old, no matter what, a 600hp+ car should remained on a track.

willing to part?

nobody deserves that… but the way they drive. it was only a matter of time…

heres the latest news

nick is out of the hospital with a broken arm, sore body, and pretty shaken

his passenger, is still in crticial condition and nick is by his side

i wish them both a speedy recovery.

witnesses have said they saw two cars (hogans supra and a silver viper) flyng by, speeding excessively

nick has claimed that he hydroplaned over a puddle that he couldnt avoid and then lost control

whatever happened, happened.

but i sure hope he learned a lesson and thats all im going to say.

(update info was brought to by j-rod, fd announcer)

its funny how a tonne of forums (almost every s chassis and drifting forum has a thread on it) has a tonne of people wishing him well, and i do the same since its unfortunate, but i believe they only do so because he is a familair face. however, nick does seem to have made many friends in the drifting community who are genuinly concerned.

had it been some joe nobody, someone who is still a good guy at heart, who made the mistake, there would only be a small percentage of well wishers, and a larger prcentage of hate castors.
if it was a no one in an 800hp supra, people would have called him an embarrassment to the tuner community.

im sure nick understands the seriousness of the issue, especially since he has a friend who could die as a result. im sure hulk has spoken to him, or atleast given him the stare that a parent gives when they concerbed, but disapointed.
any crash like that, wether there is life at stake or not, is most definately an eye opener.

hate or love, im not on either side of the fence. i know i criticized him las week about being an idiot, but something like this is unfortunate for such a young kid. my crticism’s were for his on track record.
we’ve all sped before, wether we admit it not.
hell, i have 4 speeding tickets ranging from cars being a 180sx to a ford mustang to a dodge shadow, and finally a dodge caravan.
it happens.

on a side note, since there are eywitnesses to the event that claim fly by type speeding, and with nicks history of tickets, if his friend dies, he could be up for manslaughter. kinda scary to think about.

again tho, i wish him the best, he’s gunna have a long logn road ahead of him, and i hope his passenger, John I believe is his name, pulls through and recovers well.

I know a surefire way to prevent hydroplaning. Slow down.




Pwned! Looks like the spirt of “Andre the Giant” came back in the form of a tree.

yeah and he came back in the form of a palm tree, that smacked his shit up good :stuck_out_tongue: hope him and his passenger will be fine tho. that accident should have guaranteed him community service till he’s 25, i think that should be fair