Nick Hogans Supra Crash Pictures.

He’s lucky to be alive.

damn. scary

kinda odd…the driver side looks worse than the passenger side…and Nick was fine.

wow…hit it pretty hard

holy shit

guess he couldnt drift it that well but that sucks he is lucky


They are both lucky to be alive. How is his buddy doing, anyway?

targa top FTL

wow that is incredible that he lived

i dont get how anyone could walk away from that…


it’s funny the motor from that car is sitting on our floor of our shop waiting for us to build it for their other supra or something like that.

looks like somebody ran out of talent…

front bumper is still good.

Must be nice to be loaded.

Just another case of a high performance car with a low performance driver.

Really? …

i thought his friend died?

yep, his drift car had the cage done here at mazworx, but it was before i got here.