justin go a page or 2 back u will see

Mario was like a brother to me most of my life. Although we went our seperate ways over the past year or so it still hurts to lose someone like this. RIP Mario…


Who is going, and when? Maybe we can arrive as a group?


god bless your family and i hope you have a good holiday

so many thoughts, condolences and prayers for the family :frowning:

RIP Mario…

and Choko… so many thoughts and prayers for you too!

this is so sad. I will be praying for everyone.

The first thing that popped into my head was you guys riding your sleds out behind the Church the other day.

RIP Mario, prayers are with the family.


Whilst Mario and I never saw eye to eye on a lot of things…

This is something I never wish on anyone…

Rest in Peace


god the wake was so sad. marc im truely sorry… stay strong buddy. god bless u and your family

RIP mario, miss ya buddy :cry:

R.I.P. cousin

RIP sorry to hear, my condolences to the family :frowning:

sad to hear! rip!

this was one of the toughest nights ive had in a long while! marc, im happy to see that you’re dealing with everything well, even if it’s just on the outside. it was good to see.

miss ya mario

I have to agree. Definitely one of the worst nights for me. Marc I was about to lose it and you made me laugh. You really are alot like him, and he was amazing. Honestly if you ever need anything, I’m here for you.

RIP man, didn’t know you but know what it’s like to lose someone so close. It’s really great to see everyone on here pull together and pay respects.

all the pictures were an amazing touch. they definitely got to me… it was all i could do to not turn into a mess

Definately one of the hardest nights for me as well. I thought i’d be strong but i couldnt hold it in, even after i left driving home it hit me even worse.

Marc you did freakin great man, your 100x stronger than me. You have my number, if you need anything, or just wana get out call me, i’ll be there. I know you have alot of friends and they are all there for you as well but the offer is there. Hope to see you out this summer or maybe sometime sooner bro.
