RIP Si 12/9/09

i dont think its totalled, def pricey damage tho. glad your ok

Trucks/Jeep/Subys/anything AWD

Its ammusing to watch the people with these types of vehicles going faster than they should be wobbleing all over the place, slideing, slowing down after shitting their pants, and then doing it again.

Last winter I saw some dude in a BMW from flordia spin out on the onramp to i87 north, dude was getting pretty speedy for the weather conditions out of the tool booth, cars as end kicked out and threw him into the guard rail. I stopped and asked if he was okay, he said yeah so I told him " This isnt florida around here, slow the fuck down in this weather" and went on my way.

Not only can people not drive in this weather, you have the people who cannot drive in AWD vehicles who think it makes them invincible.

You sure showed him! Raaawwrr!!

I haul ass in the rolla. I was doing 40 on Grooms this AM sliding all over the place til i got to the intersection at balltown and waited to get onto balltown for 35min.

shit’s fun as hell, im on all seasons too.

can’t stop worth a damn, or get going, but once shes goin shes goin. just gotta keep the nose pointed in the right direction and have your man pants on.

Do it. K in an EF FTW.

Basically what I did on the Maxima today lol.

It took me 3 attempts to get out of my driveway (stupid slope and turn mid-driveway). Not to mention I was ‘bottoming out’ on the snow :rofl.

I need winter tires ASAP, these AS’s suck.

damn that is shitty, glad ur ok tho!

Jesse, wtf is wrong with you… :rofl

Good think youre allright, but still FUUUUUUUUUUU

what is that in your sig jclark? haha

Some clip from another godawful mtv show

Real slow day here. :facepalm

See Jersey Shore thread.

dude…sorry to hear the Si got hit… :frowning:

What happened to the skank that hit you?

jesus H, staying the fuk away from u! no wonder u crashed the M.

if ur wondering if u will ever live this one down, no no u wont

Sorry to see that man. Good luck with replacement/repairs.

doubt its tottaled ,looks like hood windshield and other shit but prolly not enough to wreck it ,shit they are fixing the wifes g/p and it had 3900 in damage to it

Shitty but another reason I like driving a truck.

Looks like he drove away with a bent running board.

Idk, the shop is supposed to call me tomorrow and the insurance will be seeing it tomorrow or Friday.

The girl’s insurance accepted full liability.

The hood was pushed down onto the engine with the weight of the truck on it, not that that necessarily does much, but when I started it to try and back it out from under the truck, the engine didn’t sound right at all and the check engine light was on. Frame around engine bay appears bent, passenger side front fender F’d. Windshield, passenger side door misalligned, passenger side rear quarter dented, scuffs on drivers side door. Whole windshield cowell (sp) gone.

Car’s not worth that much and damage just needs to meet or exceed 75% of vehicle value in NY to total it. I’m guessing 6k in damage would do that, we’ll see though.