
Addictions are no joke. Sad when someone like this OD’s, but the waste of life that has been an addict for 20+ years doesn’t. RIP.

RIP-So sad, way too young!

Damn to many going so young rip

Sucks… Lost friends from heroin… It’s never easy


RIP. I met him a few times but didn’t know him personally.

I lost a long time friend to an H OD too, its one of those thing that you kind of see coming, but life is unfair sometimes when they are dealt some shitty cards that they cant seem to win a hand or two with.

my condolences to his family and friends.

He did not die from an OD if what I heard was correct, he was just out of rehab and clean, he had been experiencing pain in his abdomen which was apparently a section of his intestines dying from being twisted, apparently he passed away from a serious infection as a result.

+1. he was having problems unrelated to drugs

Ouch. Probably became gangrenous.

Yeah I’m sure it was a systemic infection/septicemia.

If what I heard was correct

Just heard he was on the jenkum

Wow. Big neg rep to 20wrx09 then.

He worked at my job. And the kid who told me was one if his friends, who also did heroin and is a co-worker.

that is some deep shit to be going off as hear say.

Because believing a heroin user is always the right way to go…brilliant.

Without having facts, that’s a shitty thing to post. I’d probably trust drug addicts too.

In my travels sometimes the drug addicts are the ones that tell ya the truth depends on situation also and what drug there on lol .

I wasn’t going to mention that when I opened this thread but that is what I’ve heard from multiple people as well.

Either way, still too young.
Second Shift member this year.

i heard this, i heard that. hes gone, doesnt matter now guys. let his soul rest in peace you fuck tards.