Dammit, it tells me that its moved, im guessing it got deleted?! I didnt get to read it, WTF happened?!

Looks like the cops found coke and roids at the dudes apartment. Shocker.


Im also curious as to why that got moved/deleted. Doesnt make much sense, it was a discussion on something all over the news so it wasnt like a secret needs to be kept.

No , I moved it as he was close to members on here . Keep it clean as friends of his are on here and pissed enough as it is .

Yeah, last i checked, it had 5 pages, I had last read just after it broke 4, but didnt have time to check it. Came back, and it looks like its gone!

Moved it to where? I have access to SRS but when I click the link i get nothing. Is it in some supersecret section?

I still dont get the move.

I thought you were just going to lock it.

It’s common knowledge of what happened, it’s in the news and it’s no worse picking than other threads that happen here daily.

If you pick and chose that’s just favoritism.

Word. Thats like saying if bennyfizzle got locked up for kiddie porn we’d move the thread to some top secret location!

Bring it back, I wanna read it!

What part of the kid died and had very close friends on here looking at assholes tearing him apart ?

Aw damn. Shift done got feelings.

If the kid got killed just minding his own business, I’d feel ya on that, but, he didnt.

John don’t argue with vlad he knows all

Who was friends with him? Its shocking that no one said anything.

Seriously people said he was on roids and guess what was found at his place? Sucks he died but if he wasnt a roid raging idiot he’d probably still be alive.

Its shocking that a thread was locked because people spoke their mind. Yea your friend was a fucking dick head and you are crying about it. Sack up pussies

Slowgto, yetti, a few others . I’ll let them speak about it

My friends do stupid shit all the time. That doesn’t mean ill stick up for them because they can’t act like a normal human being

Word, if I, or someone I know, does some stupid shit like that, I fully expect you assholes to rip me/them apart.

What else can be said??? That he put people’s lives at risk and now 3 cops have to live with watching a guy die in front of them because they were doing their job?? Or the fact that pointless lawsuits against colonie police will be filed and the tax payers including myself will have to pay for it??

Rip either way, shit sucks but the subjects getting old…

In before emanuel says steroids are safe

Ok im gonna say this only once…this thread comes back its not gonna be nice

John thank u for moving it before I could read it

Just another group wanna talk shit about stuff they don’t know inly read…chad was a very close friend of mine…this isn’t a rage this is a be respectful to my friend who passed or I promise shit will get ugly…I know enough people on here to find out who each of u are…

So here is my plea…please drop this lock the thread and get rid of it

Really fucking scumbags he was a better friend than any of you shady fucks… Vlad really… this may be a joke to you its not to me…