road trip anyone...

been ebay huntinmg recently. came across a 57 bel air 2 door that i wanted, but seemed to good to be true w/ a buy it now of 4k. so i slept on it. the car sold for 6k…

now i rana cross this one, which is exactly what i want. rat prices are way fucking up right now. but this one is reasonable.

my question is, can you pay the full amount of the auction through payapl? like say it goes to 3k. can i just pay 3k through paypal on a credit card? as i dont want to pay cash and get burned.

yeah, should be able to

trailers hooked up

hey there is auction on monday that has a couple

denbo is past california on Rte 43 toll road

anyone goin to that auction tomorew

anyone goin to that auction tomorew