road trip? I think so..

Me whitey my boy weiss and bob. Only 60 more miles to go… Cincy baby oh yes… There’s gonna be a riot…

ok :dunno:

Ok update whitey racing a civic dead even till civic cuts over 3 lanes almost hit whitey and takes the f*ck off

pics or :bsflag:

have fun guys make sure you get some rice…err I mean nice pics

. . .this should be very interesting. Find the right crew and they might be in for a match indeed.

Cincy sucks…

hey now…it was fun…haha I don’t know if they had much fun…I thought we all had fun at the club last night but who knows…

grrr Btw I had to freaking re-register forgot my damn password

chagga chagga choo chooooooooo

:love: thanks for showin us “cincy” bitches some pittsburg style.
And Whitey, I’m still a better dancer! It was cool that you kids came down. Maybe we’ll have to come down and show you how the cincy girls do it!

christ all thedrama queens are coming back

haha… bish please

oh it was definitely a great time, me and bobby just got home… boy am i beat! thanks to all the cincy people for welcoming us in, especially Juzwick for opening up his home to us! WE will do this again!

are they gonna come down for WOW?

^^^ if we can get off we will come…next time y’all come you should bring more peeps and come when it’s a lil warmer…there is usually a lil’ more to do.

thats not a problem, i can definitely get you off…

sorry, too easy… but seriously you guys should come down and check us out. We’ll all roll down to station square or the strip and get crushed.

we gots a spare bedroom and some extra couches, and a fully stocked bar here :smiley:

one word, three syllables…tobasco.


sorry the two youngins had to head home early. i actually got a call back from andres’ aunt…she would’ve given a call down there to try and get them in if she had heard her phone ring…grrr…oh well too late now.

one more phrase…white castles.

i’m 99% sure that i’m coming up for WOW…i just don’t know who’s gonna be with me. i’ll put the plans together and let you know what’s gonna happen.

btw, vr6 < ls/vtec 6th gen hatches…:wink:

i’m just glad you guys had a good time and got home safe. next time, i’ll leave manda and sarah at home…i don’t want to put you through that ever again…hahaha…

^^ hey now whats that supposed to mean mister??? We had some good times…Dinner was a lil eh but hey the club was fun times…

yes i havd a great time Juzwick is an awesome host!!
this boy can cook up a feast

thanks again for the hospitality!!

oh and girlycivic1 dinner was 'eh cause you were wasted and then your boyfriend pwned your ass and made you cry!

however the club was def fun!!!

now time for the 24 premiere!!!