road trip? I think so..

^^^ mister bobby you have me mixed up with Manda (blazinpink)…my boy doens’t own me…

bobby, you’ve got them backwards…

manda was the lush, sarah was drunk off water.

haha shut up…I don’t get drunk

so who all went ???

ooooh my fault i didnt know who was who!

sorry for being mean at dinner! ehehe

it was me, whitey, and qknes and his friend

I didnt get owned! I won that fight, ha- no…but its ok…
I wasn’t drunk then, now the club- that was a whole different story.

I hope you guys had fun!!

blazinpink is a hottie for sure :naughty:

lol you’ve never seen me!!

richie, post the pics please- the um user friendly ones please.

I seen them, are there new ones?

the club pictures are cute.

“hes cheating on you im sorry…” — whitey

juzwick man seriously give you mad props man dont sweat it about the club dealz. Come to pittsburgh its a different story. But any way nice meeting all you folk in cincy… And im just glad you said JUST vr6 instead of VR6 and a WRX because well you know. Anyways good times…

where are these pics that you are looking at?

oh and chanting “pittsburgh’s goin to the super bowl” while leaving the club and pissin cincy people off with whitey was fun!


yah because the pictures he got of you bob are priceless

yeah bob i was about to hit you at dinner lol our waiter was an asshole and he sucked!!! sorry if you felt different…yeah Rich I want to see the pictures

Dinner @ Red Fish…when i get the other pics from rick, i’ll post them. these are the pics i took with my phone.

The Exchange

oh yes!!! whitey was wrecked last night

i could tell he was drunk after the rasp. vodka & redbull he drank

the chick in the last picture on the left had the nicest ass! tru

bwaha…those pics freaking suck of me…ewwwy, Rich that pic Rick took of me and you at Dinner was soo cute, he needs to send that shit to me…bob you and whitey were both trashed!!!