road trip? I think so..

camera phone + sweating our asses off = not the best pics

whos the blonde chick?

I told you, it’s straight a ba-dunk.

HAHA sorry Sarah. :wink: Oh, good times. I look forward to seeing how pittsburg is.

That is Misswydbdy on here, or however you spell it.

blonde chick is misswydeclipze.

and manda…you’re not gonna see pittsburgh cause i’m not gonna take you.

pics from the show. I got 160 and I know whitey got alot to…
The show in cincy

I was gonna use the license line on you, then I remeber that you somehow got that thing back.
Well, me and Sarah are going on our own MISTER! haha love yah dad.

if you can figure out how to get there.

well yes i was drunk as well however whitey was the big winner!!!

the whitecastle is still owning me…it was awesome at 4am
however im paying the price now

follow 70 east :kekegay:

Mapquest is my friend. You’ve been aweful mean lately richard.

This thread sucks without more pictures…

i didnt take really any pics…
im sorry to say but this was at the car show…

sorry…i’m not trying to be…you just keep setting me up for good jokes and sarcastic replies… :smiley:

I’m glad that I’m “confident.”

me too…or else i’d feel bad.

yeah that ghetto ass cadiallac rofl

all the people there kept laughing at it

SHAG every thread sucks…get over it

shit playboy this thread rocks!!! haha

this is a good thread
SHAG is just a cool cat…