road trip? I think so..

more pics of the show:

Hey my little pittsburg bitches… Thanks for coming down and raising hell in the Nati!

I haven’t had that much fun in years, thanks for a hell of a birthday party, sorry the youngins had to head back home ( bring ID next time ) It was great meeting all of you and I will be sure to join in on the road trip to Pitt coming soon!

we just have to make sure we designate someone to look out for trains or busses. or whatever the fuck ran us over!

you got to get the sherminator to get on here!

hahaha…scott…he’s hardly ever on the internet, but i’ll try and get him up to the 'burgh when we come up.


the sherminator gets alll the bitches…

my headache just went away too BTW…

anytime!! had a great time!
cant wait for you guys to come down to pittsburgh!

dude whos the one that looks like the guy from mythbusters?

are you talking about rick??:

btw, here are the pics he took:

cliffs on thread?
sorry i had to do it…

man, i would have got to the hittin while the hittin was good!!!

oh ya… was there any talk of “zerolift”?
and again

part of that place is flooded !!! who is in the middle?

what talk would you be referring to?

looks like fun, but i still stand by my quote that 100 miles or whatever to see a girl w/o guarenteed ass is pointless. Hell, even if she is fat, u can bang her and go home. No one will know from back home.

But to drive 100 miles and see cars is perfectly ok…

Well I guess us cincy peeps are that good, that they had fun without getting ass teehee…haha just messin

not really :slight_smile: as requirement #2 was met. However, i will give the girls in the pictures credit-- all seemed to have nice teeth. thats the 1st thing i notice in a person. I dont know who the fuck is who in the pics, and really dont care…but nice teeth

her teeth are photoshopped…she really has “summer teeth”…some are there, some are missing, some are crooked, some are green, some are yellow, some are brown…etc… :kekegay:

bahaha you are ruthless rich.

thanks for the good time boys!