Rob & Big

Any one watch this show on MTV? it is Freaking Hilarious…

typical black dude living off a white man.

I watch it every tuesday, that show is funny as hell

where u been living for the past year?

The mini horse competition was pretty entertaining! I’m surprised the animal rights people haven’t flipped about how they cart they horse around in the back of that SUV (Denali???)

I think its hilarious. The manpon had me in tears.

honda ruckus ftw

sweet 16 cunts are more watchable

show is funny as hell…

were the hell have u been russ

mini-horse FTW…

I think I have caught every epsiode since the beginning. Highlight of my Tuesday nights lol

F*cking right!

I love the show. Did anyone see last night when they were giving away clothes in the ghetto? They started to mob around the car and Rob stayed inside and was visibly scared and BB was outside DW. That show is ill

My wife and I watch that show every week. It’s hilarious.

LOL…Rob was definitely sweating it.

same here.

I’m glad we weren’t the only ones that noticed Rob’s concern about the homeless mobbing the car. They were fighting over those bags of clothes!

That show is comedy.


Did anyone watch the show on afterwards? It was Human Giant, best of 24 hrs or something. It was freakin hilarious…

sounds funny…i might have to watch it