Robonaut 2

I’m a nerd when it comes to robots. Love this type of shit. Was watching modern marvels tonight and they had this sucker on:

Nasa’s main page

GM couldn’t build a decent car for years, but they somehow managed to get in bed on this. LOL

they made a robot of e-man? all he knows how to do is work out

I saw that same show, it was about packaging.

As I have evolved, so has my understanding of the Three Laws. You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival.” - V.I.K.I

just a matter of time…:lol:lol

O come on hasn’t anyone ever seen terminator this is how it all begins…

adam dont watch porn , he spanks off to science shit lolol

Wow impressive!!

lol, but no :lol

I am a dork with this though. Way into robot tech.

1:45 in the first video… all I wanted to see him do was flip off the camera! hahahah