rofl this shit is pretty spot on

Expect for the 2nd point they make, since they just try you to buy a 1st & last name analysis

The name Joseph creates the desire for harmony with others, but we point out that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others.

The name of Joseph gives you the desire to meet and mix socially and to create congenial circumstances for everyone.

However, all too often, you express yourself in a matter-of-fact or awkward way that results in your good intentions being misunderstood.

If you are in sales work, you could do well because of your friendly personality, interest in people, and desire to please.

You prefer situations that allow a degree of independence, but are not too demanding in work-load or responsibility.

You have to watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity, for you are apt to be influenced by hard-luck stories and give when it might be more prudent not to.

You are ever on the watch for ways and means of making some “easy money” because this name spoils initiative and ambition, producing an easy-going, come-what-may nature which attaches value to money only for the self-enjoyment it can offer.

SPOT fucking on

so weird, my name is spot on too… creepy

mine. Is not.

Wierd that is creepy, but it’s mostly spot on. :bloated:

Mine sounds like it’s describing the anti-me.

that’s because you’re supposed to be a liberal, you’ve just been brainwashed

Mine is spot on.

  • Though the name Brendan creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the elimination system, and through worry and mental tension.
  • Your first name of Brendan has given you a practical, logical, analytical approach to life and a great deal of patience.
  • You enjoy working at anything of a mechanical or technical nature, and believe that what is worth doing is worth doing well.
  • When you are interested in a project, you concentrate all your thoughts on it and do not appreciate being interrupted.
  • This name creates a deliberate and methodical way of thinking and speaking; it takes you time to learn but, once you have mastered a subject, you do not forget it.


  • Although the name Patrick creates the urge to be creative and original, we emphasize that it causes a superior, interfering expression whose favorite expression is “I know.” This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses or accidents to the head, worry and mental tension.
  • Your first name of Patrick creates a serious, thoughtful nature, shrewd, efficient, and business-minded.
  • You are one to make your own decisions, and not be influenced by others.
  • You desire independence and freedom from the authority and interference of others.
  • You are not overly ambitious, preferring instead to seek stable, settled conditions which are adequate to meet your responsibilities.
  • You like to be your own boss and you are capable of handling responsibilities for others.

Ok I guess so.

spot on

Although the name Beelzebub creates idealism and the urge to help others, we emphasize that it causes a materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, and reproductive organs.

The name of Beelzebub has given you a strong desire for success and all the amenities of affluence.

You pursue your undertakings on a grand scale, based on your business acumen and ability to visualize an overall plan.

Your enthusiasm, aggressiveness, and salesmanship are often sufficient to bring about fulfillment of your ambitions.

However, in the attempt to impress others with the scope of your success, you can over-extend your resources to the point that you have inadequate means to cover your basic expenses.

There are times when you would be advised to start in a smaller way, and gradually reach your desired level of success through perseverance, patience, and attention to details.

When things are going well, you have a generous, magnanimous nature, ready to offer support and assistance to others.


lol 40 bucks for the advanced report.

mine is pretty much dead on lol:

Although the name Nicholas creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and nervous system.

Your first name of Nicholas has given you a clever, deep mind and the talent to excel in highly inspirational lines of endeavour as a dramatist, musician, writer, or artist.

You can be lifted by beauty in all forms and you are at the most creative when inspired.

Your expressive, affectionate nature responds very quickly through your feelings, but you must guard against being possessive and jealous.

You feel and sense much that you do not fully understand and cannot express.

Your delight in mystery could draw you into occult studies or religions.

Mine was pretty accurate.

Although the name Osama creates executive ambitions, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the reproductive organs, and elimination system.

Such as failing kidneys? I wonder where they came up with that! :rofl:

that was creepy

Although the name Thom creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems, and worry or mental tension. 

The name of Thom has made you serious-minded, responsible, and stable.
You love the security of a home and family, you are fond of children, and, as a parent you would be fair and understanding.
Although you have good business judgment, you are not aggressive in your dealings because you do not like to create issues.
You would be successful in any position dealing with the public as you have a diplomatic and tactful manner and possess a charming, easy-going nature which puts people at ease.
People are drawn to you because they feel that you are patient, kind, understanding, and responsive.
  • Although the name Thomas creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.

    • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and elimination system.

    • The name of Thomas creates a quiet, systematic, and technical nature and a clever, inventive mind, attentive to detail.

    • You are attracted to working outdoors in nature, where you would experience the peace and serenity you so much desire.

    • You would find electricity, electronics, and similar technical fields of interest, as well as computer, mathematical, and scientific studies.

    • You are inclined to be quiet, reserved, patient, and conservative, preferring to test and prove everything to your own satisfaction before committing yourself.

    • You like to finish what you start without interruptions, and also to have everything in its place and properly organized.

pretty damn good



Although the name Joshua creates the urge to be creative and original, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems, and tension or accidents to the head.

Your name of Joshua gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour.

Your ideas can be very original and inventive.

You enjoy being with people in a social environment.

Your personal appearance is important to you, for you desire to make a good impression on others.

Your pleasant manner attracts people to you with their problems and you are capable of offering practical advice, though you would probably not follow such advice yourself.

This name causes you to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other people.

Ok thats just fucking creepy. Thats pretty much dead on.