Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

You have a 6yr loan on that truck??

yeah, I had to get 6 years to make the payments reasonable.
I do pay a little extra each month but not much. Usually like $5 extra because I try to put more towards the credit card since the rate is higher.

YiKeS is right!you will end up paying more on the loan even if rate is lower simply cause u ill be starting the loan all over, dont do it. if you are strapped do as i did, unload it u really dont need it for the 5x’s ur put ur qtv in it

Im definately not getting rid of the truck.

I dont see how it would end up being any more money than Im paying now since it would be for the same amount of years.

Low payments FTW, I pay 370 a month total for a TT Corvette and a pretty nice truck. No complaints, and no other debt other than cell phone, insurance, etc.

fuck jellies credit shit lolol . what about the other shit

how the hell are you paying less for your Z06 then I am for my camaro?

shut up homo,s lolol

It’s not like they are a total different league of car dude, lol. I actually want to pay the fucking thing off as soon as I go back to work.

true. Im sorry. please forgive me?!??!

this forum is hilarious

they are a different league tho. The z06 was 12+ grand higher sticker then my SS when they were both brand new.

beleive me, think about it…u will by paying longer. refi is out their to help u month to month, not long run. its a bank/credit union. out to make money not help you save. the more u “save” the u in the long run spend and they make. ur dumb for not selling truck. i can say that and not feel bad telling you that. mayb in 4 yrs wen ur in ur bedroom at moms ull see that

we need more stories yo

Im guessing he didnt buy new…

travis prob put more money down

6 year loan zomggg. i only had a 3 year on the altima!

whats the point if there is no response to them?

I’ve tried with him…you’re beating your head against the wall.

FWIW, if I was Jellies, I’d sell the Mustang and ATV, and pay off as much debt as possible. Or, sell the truck, buy a beater and pay off as much debt as possible.

lol I put 5k down.