Roller derby tonight! Queen city roller girls- slugs & kisses

Queen city roller girls Debut bout tonight at rainbow rink in NT.



Should be pretty good- my GF has been doing it for some time.
there’s nothing better than watching girls beat the hell out of each other.

It’s going to sell out, no doubt.

there is only a capacity of 750 people, so get there early.

I saw something like this on MTV “i’m jealous of my sibling” about rollar derby chicks…

they are violent. but it looks super fun.

guys? i used to speed skate,. just bought a new pair also. :lol:

i would go if it looked like it did on TV. According to the link all the LADIES are 40-50 yrs old ewww

Most of the older chicks that are running this (hence the ones being interviewed) are ex roller girls from the 70’s.
alot of the new girls are ranged 18-35.

most are punk rock style chicks.

some are hot. some are not…and everything in between. fortunately, my girl falls in the hot catergory…

should be fun to watch…

I’m bringing my camera.