I don’t think you guys understand that there is no way to fix the mess we are in. The officials that make the decisions are all benefitting from the way things are going now, they will not change them. Can you completely overthrow the goverment and start fresh? I think that is the only way for this country to survive.

When you let a small group of people (house, congress, president)run the country with no care whatsoever for the people and knowing that they can get away with it, why would they take that away from themselves.

I think Paul has the best ideas for the country, but ,sadly, nothing will be done if he gets into office.

I say we burn down DC along with every politician in it, and start over.

Why should it be the government’s job to prop up those that are “less fortunate”? All that does is create a welfare state that people get addicted to and come to depend on IN LIEU of trying to make their own way. Private charities and tax credits to people that donate to them can help the less fortunate. Then they will make sure that the money actually gets to people that need it, not scumbags that just leech off the system because they are too lazy to make their own way.

Wait, you disagree with me that the US isn’t the best country in the world, but we need a violent revolution just to survive? :rofl:


right on

have you ever been to a country in the middle east or even europe? my brother has been to the middle east and I have been to a few countries in europe, those places are truely messed up.

and America isn’t?

noone is saying america is perfect, it’s just more perfect than anything else out there.

your exhaustive studies and proof have me overwhelmed. I give.

Yes, the people that have been vesting money into SSI, the granma’s and grandpa’s really don’t need any support or are they just ‘less fortunate’? I think we are getting back to what is being discussed in the other thread. What is the job of the Federal Government? Yes, it is to support and protect and provide for it’s people with Liberty for all. Yes, Liberty also means be intrusive into our lives, how else are you going to do it? We do have the best country on earth, maybe our current administration isn’t the best, but I would not live anywhere else, PERIOD!

Dude, are you trying to insult me, because it’s deff. not working. I can read over that 20 more times if you want me to, the only thing that you will consistently forget is that 1% of the USA populous controls the country. Imagine what kind of ‘moves’ they can make with capital gains not being taxed? What good would that bring, just separate the distance between the rich and middle class? The average person can’t even afford their fucking mortgage now and are foreclosing, how do you want them to benefit from this? :ugh:

Please explain to me how I need the government to be intrusive into my life so that I can act according to my own will. Our government is supposed give us Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness. It doesn’t guarantee happiness. And it doesn’t guarantee that if you want to pump out kids and not work that the government will give you a free house, free food, and free money cause you’re too fucking lazy to go find a job.

How about don’t buy a house that you can’t afford by taking on loans that could turn disastrous? I could have gotten a mortgage way bigger than what I was comfortable getting, and built a big ass house, but I didn’t. I planned for possible situations like one of us losing our job, unforseen expenses, etc. So if that makes me not average then good, I’m not average.

And this makes you 11ty Billion times smarter than the average American. America SUCKS at common sense.

They were actually TRYING to get me to overextend. We must be the minority.

the banks dont give a fuck about you. Neither do the credit card companies. Hell, lots of banks turn around and sell your debt off anyways.

Dude, I already said a lot of this in the other thread. All I was referring to is the government subsidizing the working with healthcare that their company cannot afford…ie small business

The government doesn’t need to be intrusive so you can act according to you own will. The Government IS intrusive, because there is no other way to govern really. I mean, they are suppose to help the WHOLE nation, not just Darkstar and his needs. Just because you can subsidize your own healthcare doesn’t mean that everyone can, doesn’t mean that programs like CHIP don’t need to exist because their parents are idiots. Yes, there should be some kind of regulation for the lower class to help them educate themselves better and not just sit home and reproduce to increase their paychecks. We both really agree on this point.

How about you buy a house with someone you intend to get married to and thne this person brakes up with you and you can’t afford the mortgage. I know for a fact this happened to someone. Is it the brightest idea on their part, NO. But, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t help this person, better yet, just throw them out on the street, let’s have more homeless, higher unemployment rates, and just create total chaos. Now that’d be great :ugh2:

:bowdown: :stupid: :bowdown:

See thats the kind of stupid crap that the government should have nothing to do with. It is not the country’s, the government’s, or the general public’s problem that some idiot bought a house with someone that they weren’t married to yet and couldn’t afford on one income. That is their own fault and they should pay for their bad decision, not everyone else. I bought my house for my wife and I before we got married, but we bought a house that I could afford on my own or that she could afford on her own so that incase something bad happened, neither of us would have that burden of not being able to afford to live. It is not the government’s job to bail out dumbasses.

WOW. Words escape me.