Roof install.. in the middle of winter?

I figured the temps wouldn’t suck that much for the workers but for the process… like the fact that there is a crapton of ice and snow on the roof. I guess since they’ll just be ripping it all off it doesn’t matter much. Also probably sucks for application of new roofing material (still don’t know if it’s going to be steel or shingle, landlord didn’t mention in the latest e-mail.

I’ll still be pleasantly surprised if it actually happens. I had to move my bed so that I can just put a bucket under where it leaks :stuck_out_tongue:

the garage got a brand new roof and gutters in the spring for no good reason (no leaks or anything) yet the house is missing gutters in some places (ice rips them down says landlord) and has a leaking roof.

though I admire prioritizing garage over house, it’s not like the garage is even heated or insulated :stuck_out_tongue: